Edward Nims Wright(1884-1947)

Edward Nims Wright(1884-1947)

Birth: April 3rd, 1884 in Northampton, MA

Father: David Joy Wright (1851-1908) (W2)

Mother: Jane Caroline Reed (1846-1936) (W3)

Death: April 20th, 1947 in Northampton, MA

Jane Caroline Reed, David Joy Wright, Edward N Wright and David Sanders Wright

Edward was born on April 3rd, 1884 in Northampton, MA to David Joy Wright and Jane Caroline Read.  He lived all of his life at the 67 West Street address.  We have a number of picture of him as a child, but nothing of him as an adult.

Edward shows up in the 1900 US Census as attending school.  He attended Amherst College around 1905 and then shows up in the 1910 US Census as a shipper for a cutlery firm.  He continues with a cutlery firm through late in the 1930's when he appears to have lost his job.  My mother says that at one point he was management for the firm, WAR ltd,  but took a downgrade when the firm moved to Connecticut because he did not want to leave his mother.  

He was unemployed between 1939 to 1941.  In 1942 he is listed as being a Dist Collector.  I'm not really sure what this is, but he changed on to a checker at SPFD in 1943 and 44.  My mother also said that he was involved in city government, but I haven't looked into this yet.  

Edward helped take care of David Sanders Wright's children after their mother passed away.

Edward passed away on April 20th, 1947 and is buried in Bridge Street Cemetery.  

David and Edward Wright, 1895

David and Edward Wright, 1895

Edward Nims Wright, 1894

Edward Nims Wright, 1894

Edward Nims Wright class, Holyoke, MA

Edward Nims Wright class, Holyoke, MA

David Sander Wright (top) and Edward N. Wright (bottom)

67 West Street