Governor Party Affiliation and Covid-19

This paper investigates the relationship between the party affiliation of state governors and the Covid-19 death and infection rates. There have been many studies done since the start of the pandemic that cover the relationship of individual health behavior and political views as well as studies done on the different timing in social distancing implementation. This paper tries to add to this research by seeing if the views of the party in charge for each state is reflected by their constituents.

Zack_Meyer_Thesis_Presentation (1).pdf

Thesis Presentation

Zack Meyer Thesis


About the Author

Hey everyone thanks for tuning in! I am pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Economics with a double minor in Politics in Government and Math. In addition to academics, I was also a member of the football team and a part of one of the Greek organizations on campus. After graduation, I plan on going to graduate school to either obtain a Master's or PhD in economics. Again, I appreciate everyone looking at my thesis, I hope you all gain some insight from it.