The relationship between teacher quality and economic growth has rarely been addressed in existing research and remains indirectly established given the transitive link between teacher quality, student educational outcomes, and economic growth. We identify this as a salient concern for emerging economies in Latin America due to the extremely poor teacher quality and weak economic performance on the global scale. Our research surveys the existing literature regarding this relationship in general, gives background on education in Latin America, and provides a deeper analysis of teacher quality in Mexico using the TALIS 2013 dataset from the OECD. We see that more than 90% of teachers in Mexico do not have a bachelor’s degree, which raises serious questions about content and pedagogical preparedness. To address these concerns, we propose a policy of selectivity for teacher training programs, recommend this is accompanied by salary augmentation, and discuss Finland as an example of reform. We conclude by identifying the key limitations of our investigation and allude to further research that is needed on the topic.

Keywords: Teacher quality in Mexico, teacher preparation programs, teacher surplus, TALIS

Maggie Hatt

Economics (B.S.), Mathematics (Mn)


I would like to thank Professor Kate Stirling for her support throughout the writing, research, and presentation processes of my thesis project. She provided so much useful insight and ideas throughout the semester and has been an amazing advisor to me, too. In addition, I would like to share my gratitude for all of the economics department and the professors I have had here at UPS over my three year time here as they have truly given me the tools that I need to succeed down the line.

Why Economics?

I chose to study economics because I find that it is a science that really draws both on the theoretical, mathematical methods of quantifying and understanding human behavior and problem solving while also integrating the more holistic and humanities-research approach to what a lot of people perceive as a very boring or ones-sided field of study. Also, it didn't hurt that I brought in enough AP credit that I was already well into the major when I arrived my very first semester :)

Post-Grad Plans

I have been accepted into Teach For America's 2021 Corps and will be joining the Rhode Island cohort for a two year service period. I will be teaching secondary (7th-12th grade) mathematics with an option for special education. During my time as a TFA corps member, I will have the chance to earn my master's degree in education and am considering applying to Brown University's Masters in Education and Urban Policy program.

Favorite Econ Classes @ UPS

ECON 380- Game Theory in Economics

ECON 284- Econometrics

ECON 391- Mathematical Economics

MHatt Final Thesis.pdf


Senior Research in Economics Colloquium Presentation - 4/19/21