This study introduces the high costs associated with immigration detention centers. Models will demonstrate the significant difference that goes into funding for immigration detention centers compared to Alternatives to Detention Programs, both which are funded by taxpayers dollars. My research explains how the continuation of mass deportation and detention would have negative effects on the economy. Potential for new jobs and increased human capital would halt, and many families and US-born children would be impacted negatively by the effects of deportation and detention. Policies which focus more on funding Alternative to Detention and citizenship would be beneficial.

Janel Bustamante Thesis FINAL.docx
Thesis talk

Post-Grad Plans

The pandemic really changed my perspective for what I want to do after graduation. At first I planned on going straight into the work force by beginning a career in advertisement and marketing. Then after a few years apply to grad school for Economics. However, after living through a still very apparent pandemic I have begun to realize that I have artistic dreams that I want to pursue. I am giving myself a year to chase after my dreams of becoming an actor. I think it is better to try rather than to live the rest of your life wondering what if.

About Me

Economics (B.A.) major and Theatre minor.

I have been involved in a myriad of things at my time at UPS. The past four years I have been the manager for the UPS rowing team. I was able to continue my love for dance by participating in RDG and even choregraphing one semester. My faith is very important to me so the last four years I have been a member of the UPS InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and have been a bible study leader for the past two years. The last two years I have worked for thee University's Chaplaincy as an Interfaith Coordinator and Spiritual life Scholar promoting inclusive and diverse spaces and events for all spiritual and religious backgrounds represented on campus. I was also involved in Undergraduate Women in Economics, Curtain call, Director's lab, and LAHSO.


I would like to say thank to Andrew Monaco, Garrett Milam, Lisa Nunn, and Wade Hands for being great professors and for laughing at my jokes even during times when others didn't.