Week 10 - Matariki

WALT: Use descriptive language to retell the story of Matariki. 



This week we are going to be learning about the story of Matariki. You will need to watch the video with your class and brainstorm all of the key ideas from the Matariki story. You will then need to retell the story in your own words.

Writing Task

Homophones Practice

Spelling Words

Spelling Task

Week 9 - Recreating Little Red 

WALT:  write a detailed narrative about my own version of Little Red Riding Hood.


This week we are going to recreate our own version of Little Red Riding Hood. How do you think you could change it to be better or more interesting?

Writing Task

Original Story

Spelling Words

Spelling Task

Week 8 - Making Ice Cream

WALT:  write detailed instructions of how to make vanilla ice cream. 


This week we are going to make our very own vanilla ice cream. We will do this activity as a whole class and then you will be able to complete the writing task for the week. 

Writing Task


Spelling Words

Spelling Task

Week 7 - Recount Writing

WALT:  use descriptive language to create an interesting and exciting recount.


This week we are going to be creating a recount with a twist. You will need to think back to some of the experiences that you have had with your family and friends. Your introduction will set up who you are talking about. Each paragraph will need to contain a detailed truth or a lie about something that you have done with your family and friends. 

Writing Task

Homophones Practice

Spelling Words

Spelling Task

Week 6 - Animation Voiceover

WALT:  write a detailed voiceover for my animation

Changes Matter Team 4.mov


This week we are going to be creating a voiceover for our animations that we are creating in creative space with Mrs Burton. You will need to think about what your animation is showing a create a voiceover that will describe what the audience is seeing in your animation. Even if you haven't finished think about what your final product is going to look like! 

Writing Task

Changes Matter Task

Spelling Words

Spelling Task

Week 5 - Pick-a-path Narrative

WALT:  create a detailed pick-a-path narrative.

Zombie kids - Pick a Path


This week you are going to create your very onw pick a path story and it can be about anything you like! Check out Mr Goodwin's example of Zombie Kids to see how you can create your own one. 

Writing Task


Spelling Words

Spelling Task

Week 4 - Haiku Poems

WALT:  create a haiku poem using the correct format. 


This week for reading we are learning all about liquids, so for writing this week we are going to use what we have learnt to create haiku poems all about liquids. Haiku poems are really fun and easy to create, lets make some as a class first!

Writing Task

Alphabetical Task

Spelling Words

Spelling Task

Week 3 - Experiment Writing

WALT:  safely conduct and experiment and explain the process and results using the scientific method.


This week we are going to learn how to conduct an experiment and write up the results using the scientific method. As a class we will come up with a question and hypothesis, complete the experiment as a class and then write up the results. 

Writing Task


Spelling Words

Spelling Task

Week 2 - Writing Instructions

WALT:  write detailed instructions of how to make a ham and cheese toasted sandwich. 


This week we are going to be learning how to write detailed instructions that someone can follow in order to make a ham and cheese toast sandwich. If we manage to get all of our instructions detailed enough we will get to make these sandwiches later in the week. 

Writing Task


Spelling Words

Spelling Task

Week 1 - Changes Matter

WALT:  structure a recount using detailed and descriptive language.


Welcome back to term 2! I hope you have all had a wonderful holiday and are ready to get back into your learning! How cool was our immersion assembly on Wednesday? This week we are going to create a recount all about our immersion assembly. 

Writing Task


Spelling Words

Spelling Task