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Week 9 & 10: Summer Learning Journey


Happy holiday blogging!

Week 8 - Time

WALT: estimate and measure time


This week we are going to be learning all about how to estimate and measure time.

Maths Task

Number of the Week

Timetable Task

Week 7 - Division

WALT: use a range of different strategies to solve division problems.


This week we are going to be using a range of different strategies to solve division problems. 

Maths Task

Number of the Week

Timetable Practice

Week 6 - Multiplication

WALT: use multiplication to solve problems


This week we are going to be practicing our times tables. 

Maths Task

Number of the Week

Timetable Practice

Week 5 - Multiplication

WALT: use multiplication to solve problems


This week we are going to be practicing our times tables. 

Maths Task

Number of the Week

Timetable Practice

Week 4 - Maths Revision

WALT: use a range of different strategies to solve problems.


This week we are going to be revising all of the things that we have learnt in maths so far this year. 

Maths Task

Number of the Week

Timetable Practice

Week 3 - Maths Revision

WALT: use a range of different strategies to solve problems.


This week we are going to be revising all of the things that we have learnt in maths so far this year. 

Maths Task

Number of the Week

Timetable Practice

Week 2 - Maths Revision

WALT: use a range of different strategies to solve problems.


This week we are going to be revising all of the things that we have learnt in maths so far this year. 

Maths Task

Number of the Week

Timetable Practice

Week 1 - Problem Solving

WALT: use a range of different strategies to solve problems.


Welcome back to term 4! This week we are going to be revising all of the things that we have learnt in maths so far this year. 

Maths Task

Number of the Week

Timetable Practice