Week 9: Fiafia

This week we have our school FiaFia night on Wednesday 5th April. We will be having lots of practices this week during the day. For our learning this week we will be looking at our previous Fiafia preformances in preparation. 

Week 8 - Division

WALT:  Divide using a range of strategies.


This week we are going to be learning how to identify when a problem requires division to solve it using a range of different strategies. 

Maths Task

Number of the week

Timetable Practice

Week 7 - Multiplication

WALT:  identify multiplication by using range of strategies.


This week we are going to be learning how to identify when a problem requires multiplication to solve it using a range of different strategies. 

Maths Task

Number of the week

Timetable Practice

Week 6 - Addition and Subtraction

WALT:  add and subtract using our understanding of place value partitioning.


This week we are going to be learning how to add and subtract using our understanding of place value.

Maths Task

Number of the week

Addition Practice

Week 5: Year 5/6 Camp

This week, from Wednesday to Friday, we are on Year 5/6 Camp. We are so excited to go as we didn't get to have this camp last year due to Covid19 - the first camp we missed in over 30 years!

Year 5 & 6 Camp 2020.mov

Activities to do before camp

Week 4 - Addition and Subtraction

WALT:  add and subtract using our understanding of place value partitioning.


This week we are going to be learning how to add and subtract using our understanding of place value.

Maths Task

Number of the week

Addition Practice

Week 3 - Addition and Subtraction

WALT:  add and subtract using our understanding of place value.


This week we are going to be learning how to add and subtract using our understanding of place value.

Maths Task

Number of the week

Addition Practice

Week 2 - Statistics

WALT:  Display categorical data on pictographs, bar charts, dot plots and pie charts.


Last week we collected data from our class, this week we are going to use this data to create a number of different graphs. This data is all about the students in our class so you might even be able to spot yourself in the graph!

Statistics task

Statistics Data

Number of the week

Addition Practice

Week 1 - Statistics

WALT:  Use suitable data collection sheets. 


Welcome to 2023! This week we are going to be learning what our expectations are for maths time. We will also be learning about statistics and how to collect data. The data that we collect this week we will use next week to create graphs. 

Xtra Math


Number of the week

Statistics task