The silence

by Odysseus Liakos

There was a man named Bob. Bob was an ordinary policeman, doing his job and keeping order. Now Bob was pursuing a black van down the highway at night. After a while, he found himself chasing the van in a side street, when suddenly it vanished! Bob stopped his police car and got out to search for the van, with his gun at hand. He looked left and right. Bob was in shock. Never in his whole life, had he experienced such silence. Only the wind was blowing, carrying away leaves and dust with a creepy whistle. He yelled: “Come out, wherever you’re hiding!!” His voice echoed and the only answer he got back was his own voice. He yelled again: “Is anyone there?”

After a while, he realized that something was wrong. He was overwhelmed with fear and quickly ran inside his car. Bob tried his keys but the car engine didn’t start. He tried again. No success. So, he rushed out of the car and opened the trunk; everything inside got fire. Bob didn’t have a choice. He ran to the police station which was nearby. As he was running in the quiet streets, he was yelling “Anyone? Is anyone there?” The silence scared him, Bob started running faster as he was glimpsing the nearby streets which were covered with darkness.

The lights were all burnt out, he was running faster and faster, as he could see the police station coming closer and closer. Once he reached it, he got in and felt some security. He yelled “Hello!” No answer. All the lights were off. Bob looked down and he saw a letter. He crouched, he opened it. The following phrase was written hastily in it : “Please! Please! If anyone reads this, come to the mall. I don’t know what is happening and I feel that someone or...something is stalking me, I need help!”

Bob was shocked…