A Lucky Escape

by Renia Ntasiou

It seemed that the weather would be really awful that afternoon. However, no matter how bad the weather was getting, a group of teenagers thought that it was a great idea to hang out together. So, they phoned each other and arranged to meet at the cinema.

As soon as they got there, they booked their seats for the film and since they had plenty of time till the film would start, they decided to walk in the nearby forest. Suddenly, as they were walking, they realised that the sky was getting darker and darker and threatening clouds were gathering above their heads, so they started thinking about going back to the cinema. Unfortunately, due to the bad weather they could barely see. All of a sudden, a terrible storm burst, bringing high winds and rain.

Some of the teenagers were really scared. Others started blaming each other for making such a risky decision. As the storm was getting stronger and they were stranded, one of them suggested that it would be a good idea to stand under ... a tree and wait till the heavy rain stops. The rest of the group thought that they had no other choice, so they did what he proposed.

They had been waiting for about an hour when the first lightning hit the ground right next to the tree. At that moment, the entire group of friends got really scared, and terrified they all ran off in a rout heading back to the cinema. However, while they were running, one kid slipped, fell off and twisted his ankle, so the others had to stop and carry him.

Eventually, they managed to find their way out of the forest, in a safe place. There, they called their parents and an ambulance of course, to pick their injured friend. When they finally got back home, they told their parents about what had happened and they decided never to be that "brave" again, ignoring real dangers out there! It was a really lucky escape!!