On the train

by Maria Ropoki

Anna ran and jumped on the train just before the doors closed. The first thing she saw was her ex-boyfriend. She could clearly remember the day that he abused her. The same fear again. She wondered how could the judge decide that he was NOT guilty and set him free? Maybe it was the fact that his father was one of the five richest men in New York. But, how could life be so unfair?

As she looked into his eyes, she started feeling more and more terrified. She wanted to go, to get off the train but the train was due to reach the next station in 10 minutes. The only thing she could do was to move to another seat. She decided to move towards the back of the train.

However, as she stood up, he looked deeply into her eyes. That was it! She decided she wanted to get away from this situation. She would rather jump off the train than spend another minute at the same place with him.

Luckily, the train reached the station that she wanted to get off at last! When she left, she felt a sense of profound relief and prayed that she would never meet him again. Never experience the same feeling again...