World and Foreign Languages

Spanish I

Credit: One unit per year

Weight: 4/4

Open To: Grade 9, 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite: English grades should be a minimum of C average, with strong grammar skills.

Curriculum Map

This course is an introduction to the Spanish language and culture, incorporating basic vocabulary, grammar, reading, and writing. Cultural aspects of history and geography are also included.  Topics covered include: colors, numbers, basic greetings, courtesy, classroom items, describing friends and family, calendar & weather, shopping for clothing, sports & pastimes, body parts, and daily routines.  This class will include written assignments as well as interpersonal conversations and presentational projects which demonstrate speaking and listening skills.  The Spanish language is used in class as much as possible. 

Spanish II

Credit: One unit per year

Weight: 4/4

Open To: Grade 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite: Spanish I 

Curriculum Map

The second course continues the grammar study and exposes the student to a broader scope of reading and conversation material. Oral comprehension is stressed, as well as the student's ability to express themselves effectively by means of a basic Spanish vocabulary. Culture, history, and geography are studied further. The class is conducted in Spanish. 

Spanish III

Credit: One unit per year

Weight: 5/4

Open To: Grade 11, 12

Prerequisite: Minimum of B average in Spanish II, or with instructor permission

Curriculum Map

This oral proficiency course expands on the vocabulary, grammar, and written skills developed during Spanish 1 & 2. The emphasis is on oral communication and students role play in authentic Spanish scenarios. Spanish and Latin American literature are read and discussed in Spanish and students present information about current events in front of the classroom. The curriculum is based on the Illinois Foreign Language and Learning standards. Students participate in more challenging conversations and communicate successfully in basic survival situations. The class is conducted in Spanish. Good oral comprehension, grammar, and verb tense knowledge is required to be successful in Spanish 3 & 4. 

Spanish IV

Credit: One unit per year

Weight: 5/4

Open To: Grade 12

Prerequisite: Minimum of B average in Spanish III, or with instructor permission

Curriculum Map

This Spanish class is a continuation of Spanish III.