Physical, Health, and Safety Education

General PE

Credit: One unit per year

Weight: 4/4

Open To: Grade 9, 10, 11, 12

Curriculum Map

General PE offers a variety of sport-related units (flag football, polo, badminton, pickleball, etc.). These units help students build confidence, practice teamwork, and display sportsmanship. Students will learn and experience physical fitness components, motor skills, and fundamental athletic skills. Written quizzes, participation, and attitude/effort help determine the P.E. grade. Daily cardio and fitness will be done prior to the daily activity.

Physical Fitness

Credit: One unit per year

Weight: 4/4

Open To: Grade 9, 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite: A or B in previous Physical Education course, or with instructor permission

Curriculum Map

Fitness is a class devoted to incorporating a variety of exercises to enhance physical fitness. Activities include but are not limited to: yoga, circuit training, cardio/strength, dance and track workouts. A student who registers for Fitness should bring in a lot of energy, focus, and dedication to class. This class focuses on preparing students to maintain active, healthy lifestyles beyond high school and into adulthood.

Strength Training

Credit: One unit per year

Weight: 4/4

Open To: Grade 9, 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite: A or B in previous Physical Education course, or with instructor permission

Curriculum Map

Students will follow a well-designed strength-training program that will increase strength of bones, muscles, connective tissue, and decrease the risk of injury. This strength-training program combines weight-training, ACL tear prevention, and flexibility training to give students the benefit of a total fitness program. Students will spend the majority of their class time in the weight room.

*This class will be capped at 30 students. Priority will be given to upperclassmen. At 30 students, Freshmen will be moved to another PE course, based on scheduling availability. 

Lifetime Fitness Education

Credit: 0.5 unit per year

Weight: 4/4

Open To: Grade 11, 12

Prerequisite: A or B in previous Physical Education course, or with instructor permission

Curriculum Map

Lifetime Fitness Education courses emphasize acquiring knowledge and skills regarding lifetime physical fitness; content may include related topics such as nutrition, stress management, and consumer issues. Students may develop and implement a personal fitness plan. 

*This class will be capped at TBD students. Priority will be given to upperclassmen. When section is full, Freshmen will be moved to another PE course, based on scheduling availability. 

Advanced Athletic Performance

Credit: One unit per year

Weight: 4/4

Open To: Grade 9, 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite: A or B in previous Physical Education course, or with instructor permission

Curriculum Map

Advanced athletic performance is a year long class that has a primary focus on developing and improving physical peripherals related to athletic performance.  This is not a traditional weightlifting/body class.  The focus on this class will be improving mobility, strength, speed, and jumping abilities.  Participants will learn and be expected to partake in strength training, Olympic lifts, jumping, sprinting, and movements along multiple planes (changing direction, lateral movement, sprint to jump, etc.) that are seen in sports.  Rotational strength will also be an emphasis.  This class is designed for increasing athletic performance in athletic situations and events, and should only be considered by those who are serious in improving in that regard.

*This class will be capped at TBD students. Priority will be given to upperclassmen. When section is full, Freshmen will be moved to another PE course, based on scheduling availability. 

Sports Officiating

Credit: 0.5 unit per year

Weight: 4/4

Open To: Grade 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite: A or B in previous Physical Education course, or with instructor permission

Curriculum Map

Officiating courses provide students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to serve as a referee, umpire, judge, or other official for a sports contest, emphasizing rule interpretation and the proper mechanics of officiating. This elective course will offer students the opportunity to study the fundamentals of officiating various sports and possibly become a certificated official with the Illinois High School Association. Individuals 15-17 years of age and older can become certified with IHSA. That certification will allow individuals to officiate IHSA events as well as IESA and possibly other events that recognize that sport’s IHSA credentials. Some content will include studying the rules, casebook content and the mechanics of game officiating. Rulebooks, casebooks, officiating videos and possible guest speakers will be the curriculum content.

*This class will be capped at TBD students. Priority will be given to upperclassmen. When section is full, underclassmen will be moved to another PE course, based on scheduling availability. 


Credit: .5 unit per semester

Weight: 4/4

Open To: Grade 9, 10

Curriculum Map

The central focus of this course will be on topics related to all aspects of health (physical, mental, emotional, social, etc.). The students will be taught various topics including but not limited to: wellness, decision making, influences on health, self esteem, managing emotions, stress, mental disorders, nutrition, exercise, human sexuality, substance abuse, various diseases, and first aid/CPR. The students' understanding of the health topics will be introduced through discussions, research, group projects, role playing, lectures, and quizzes/tests.  This class is devoted to preparing students to make wise decisions regarding their health in order to achieve optimal wellness.

Driver Education

Credit: .5 unit per semester

Weight: 4/4

Open To: Grade 9, 10

Curriculum Map

The school code of Illinois requires that public school districts provide the complete driver education course for any resident of the school district between the ages of 15 and 21. The class consists of 30 hours of classroom instruction and six hours of behind-the-wheel training. All persons under the age of 18 must successfully pass an approved driver education course prior to the issuance of a driver's license. Students who do not meet the classroom hour requirement may receive an incomplete.