Graduation Requirements

A student must have a total of 28 credits to graduate.

In order for a student to graduate, a student must successfully complete the following:

4 credits of English Language Arts: Includes English 131 or Honors 132, English 231 or Honors 232, English 331 or Honors 332, and one elective (will fulfill 2 credits of writing-intensive course requirement).

3 credits of Mathematics: Can Include Pre-Algebra, Algebra 131 or 141, Geometry 231 or 241, Algebra 2 332 or 341, Pre-Calculus, or AP Calculus.

2 credits of Science: Includes Biology and Physical Science or Chemistry.

2 credits of Social Science: Includes American History (1 credit) and Civics (.5 credits). The Civics course requires that the student pass both the United States Constitution exam and the Illinois State Constitution exam. Need another .5 credit to meet graduation requirements.

4 credits of Physical Education: The physical education policy is modified for students excused by a physician or by an approved physical education waiver as defined in the district policy. A student may also be exempt from Physical Education for legal reasons. Required for participation, not a state graduation requirement.

1 credit of Computer Literacy: One year of a course that includes intensive instruction in computer literacy, which may be English, Social Science, or any other subject and which may be counted toward the fulfillment of other graduation requirements. Computer Science Principles will be required during Freshman or Sophomore year, which will fulfill .5 credit towards this requirement.

1 credit from ONE of the following: Can include Art, Music, Foreign Language, or CTE (Vocational)

.5 credit in Driver Education / .5 credit in Health

.5 credit in Consumer Education / .5 credit in Civics

FAFSA Completion

All seniors must successfully complete the "Rite of Passage" project in order to graduate. This year-long capstone project will be evaluated by a team of judges. The judges' scores will be averaged, and students will earn one of the following ranks: “superior,” “exceeds,” “meets,” or “does not meet.” Students who receive the “does not meet” category will be given the opportunity to present their project additional times.

Note: Students who have spent less than two year at PPHS may have up to two units of credit exempted.