Mentoring Guidance

Written Route

Please take advantage of the following resources to help develop your claim for Fellowship.

Working with your Mentor

Timeframes and Working with your Mentor

Following the micro-clinic you should be in a position to go away and start writing your first draft. Your mentor will provide detailed feedback on your draft and will offer a subsequent one-to-one meeting to go through your feedback. The feedback will reflect how well you are aligning to the relevant criteria for your category of Fellowship, and you can expect to get feedback around the following themes:

  • The overall structure, written tone and level of reflection

  • The appropriateness of evidence cited against each area of activity/dimension

  • The evidence base from relevant research and literature

  • The examples selected to demonstrate your teaching practice

The aim of the mentoring process is to encourage you to actively reflect on your professional practice and how you align to UKPSF Dimensions. Please do not see this as a laborious process! In the mentoring meetings I have undertaken it is very clear that there is some fantastic practice taking place across the University. Be bold and confident and take this opportunity to 'show-off'; please celebrate your practice!

Mentors are absolutely not coming to this process as expert teachers to tell anyone what to do. Rather they come as peer colleagues and a sounding board, passionate about their teaching and with experience of claiming for Fellowship themselves.

When reviewing your claim they will be able to ask useful questions, and to support you in thinking through your distinctive strengths and how you can demonstrate these within your submission so reach the standard required commensurate with the category of Fellowship you are claiming for.

Please note that if there is a sustained period of inactivity in the drafting process and submission process (longer than six months) you will be required to re-attend a micro-clinic to support your re-engagement with the submission process.


Top Tips for Landing Your First Draft
Download your guide to a successful landing now!


Submitting Your Draft for Review

When you have a first draft ready for review it should be submitted via from where it will be forwarded to your mentor. This helps us keep a record of draft submissions and to ensure that you get timely feedback from your mentor. Subsequent drafts can be submitted directly to your mentor. Please note that draft submissions will not be reviewed unless you have first attended a micro-clinic.

Send your first draft for review to