Progetto eTwinning

"We choose Happiness"

A proposito del progetto

In these circumstances it's important to remember what makes us happy and stimulate our positive feelings. The International day of happiness is a perfect opportunity to do so. Regarding that day, we have come to various activities that we would like to share and spreed. We would like to make materials that can be presented in schools to help us remember to empower our positive feelings even after the International day of happiness. Together with that we will provide some materials to connect activities with mental health and positive development themes.

Keywords: happiness, positive, development, happy, feeling, power, workshop, international, mental health



1. Students will develop the awareness of how important are the positive feelings.

2. Students will empower their positive emotions.

3. Students will become aware of the importance of mental health and the impact of the positive emotions on mental health.

4. Students will actively working on their mental and emotional health.

5. Students will understand the importance of marking the important dates.

6. Students will develop competences for working in a multicultural environment.

7. Students will develop their digital skills.

8. Students will develop positive connection with their school.


1. Introduction, presenting of the participants and brainstorming - What represents happiness for me in everyday life? - students will think about what makes them happy and in that way they will encourage their positive feelings.

2. Mental health brochure (with an accent on positive emotions and happiness) - we can all work together on it. Students will have to read it and share their impressions.

3. Describing the activity that makes me happy (instructions for others how to do it including time needed, space, things, steps). We will provide forms that will help students write down all the important info. We are planning to put it all together in the E-book as some kind of the manual for happiness.

4. Writing down (padlet) the messages that could make us/others happy, so every school can print them out and put them in one box in the school that can be used every day to get a random happiness message.

5. Evaluation


E-book - Manual for happiness (activities that can empower positive feelings)

circolare We choose happiness.pdf
attestato inizio progetto we choose happiness.pdf


Dissemination of the eTwinning project for high school students that marks the International day of happiness.

Info about role of happiness in mental health and positive develompent of youth
