PH1020951.237 [3] Plymouth. Kingsbridge
PH1020951.237 [3] Plymouth. Kingsbridge
06 September 2015
PH1020951/237STAGECOACH DEVON LTD[3], Plymouth, KingsbridgeReceived: 10-Jul-2015Effective: 06-Sep-2015Accepted: 10-Jul-2015Variation:0Monday to Saturday approx hourly, Sundays & Bank holidays - 4 journeys in each directionComments: Timetable: NP2534: 3.1 Registration of New ServicesMondays to Saturdays approx hourly, Sundays & Bank Holidays - 4 journeys each way New service registered to take over First Devon & Cornwall service 9306 September 2015
20 September 2015
PH1020951/237STAGECOACH DEVON LTD[3], Plymouth, KingsbridgeReceived: 23-Jul-2015Effective: 20-Sep-2015Accepted: 23-Jul-2015Variation:1To withdraw Sunday & Bank Holiday service due to DCC funding reductons.Comments: Timetable: NP2535: 3.3 Applications to Vary Existing Services20 September 2015
29 May 2016
PH1020951/237STAGECOACH DEVON LTD[3], Plymouth, KingsbridgeReceived: 01-Apr-2016Effective: 29-May-2016Accepted: 01-Apr-2016Variation:2Revised timetable and additional runnning timeComments: Timetable: NP2553: 3.3 Applications to Vary Existing Services29 May 2016
"Comments: Some early morning and early evening journeys will no longer run, and the occasional journeys which diverted off into Slapton Village will no longer do so. These changes are being made due a combination of very low usage and a reduction in funding from Devon County Council towards the parts of the route that carry the fewest people. The majority of the service runs without any financial support from the Council, and relies purely on the income from the people using it to cover its running costs. The service will now also be operated using single deck vehicles to help keep running costs to a minimum, but following discussions with Kingsbridge College and Devon County Council a double decker will provide a single journey from Dartmouth to Kingsbridge College each day to ensure sufficient space for children travelling to school.The heavily discounted young persons Kingsbridge Termrider ticket will no longer be available, but a new Dart King Termrider ticket will be introduced in connection with the school journey above for young people to travel between Dartmouth and Kingsbridge at any time. The rest of our ticket prices remain unchanged, with our Explorer ticket, Megarider Gold and Termrider Gold remaining excellent value for a service of this nature."""Timetable: NP2555: 3.4 Applications to Vary Existing Services Granted Under Short Notice
PH1020951/237STAGECOACH DEVON LTD[3], Plymouth, KingsbridgeReceived: 21-Apr-2016Effective: 29-May-2016Accepted: 26-Apr-2016Variation:3To re-instate the 1850 from Plymouth and 2005 from Kingsbridge. Devon County Council supported journey
29 October 2017
PH1020951/237STAGECOACH DEVON LTD[3], Plymouth, KingsbridgeReceived: 01-Sep-2017Effective: 29-Oct-2017Accepted: 06-Sep-2017Variation:429 October 2017
"There will be some minor changes to the timetable to ensure the ongoing sustainability of this route, which runs through some of the most rural and beautiful parts of Devon and the South Hams.Some early morning and early evening journeys will no longer run, and the occasional journeys which diverted off into Slapton Village will no longer do so. These changes are being made due a combination of very low usage and a reduction in funding from Devon County Council towards the parts of the route that carry the fewest people. The majority of the service runs without any financial support from the Council, and relies purely on the income from the people using it to cover its running costs.""Comments: The service will now also be operated using single deck vehicles to help keep running costs to a minimum, but following discussions with Kingsbridge College and Devon County Council a double decker will provide a single journey from Dartmouth to Kingsbridge College each day to ensure sufficient space for children travelling to school.The heavily discounted young persons Kingsbridge Termrider ticket will no longer be available, but a new Dart King Termrider ticket will be introduced in connection with the school journey above for young people to travel between Dartmouth and Kingsbridge at any time. The rest of our ticket prices remain unchanged, with our Explorer ticket, Megarider Gold and Termrider Gold remaining excellent value for a service of this nature."Timetable: NP2612: 3.3 Applications to Vary Existing Services
27 October 2019
PH1020951/237STAGECOACH DEVON LTD[3], Plymouth, KingsbridgeReceived: 13-Sep-2019Effective: 27-Oct-2019Accepted: 17-Sep-2019Variation:5Service 3 Earlier journeys have been introduced from both Dartmouth and Plymouth on Mondays to Saturdays and there is now a departure at 1940 from Kingsbridge to Plymouth.Comments: Timetable: NP2718: 3.3 Applications to Vary Existing Services27 October 2019
30 March 2020
PH1020951/237STAGECOACH DEVON LTD[3], Plymouth, KingsbridgeReceived: 26-Mar-2020Effective: 30-Mar-2020Accepted: 22-Apr-2020Variation:6Temporary timetable variation due to CoronavirusComments: Timetable: NP2749: 3.4 Applications to Vary Existing Services Granted Under Short Notice30 March 2020
26 July 2020
PH1020951/237STAGECOACH DEVON LTD[3], Plymouth, KingsbridgeReceived: 17-Jul-2020Effective: 26-Jul-2020Accepted: 28-Aug-2020Variation:7return to precovid timetableComments: return to precovid timetable. Timetable changed 15 June 2020 (backdated notice)Timetable: NP2767: 3.4 Applications to Vary Existing Services Granted Under Short Notice26 July 2020
29 January 2021
PH1020951/237/ 238, STAGECOACH DEVON LTD, MATFORD PARK ROAD, MATFORD PARK DEPOT, EXETER, EX2 8FD, GB[3], Plymouth, , Kingsbridge(Timetable change not on service registration site)Effective: 29-Jan-2021Revised timetable published29 January 2021
05 August 2021
PH1020951/237STAGECOACH DEVON LTD[3], Plymouth, KingsbridgeReceived: 24-Jun-2021Effective: 05-Aug-2021Accepted: 06-Jul-2021Variation:8To make temporary covid timetable permanentComments: Timetable: NP2812: 3.3 Applications to Vary Existing Services05 August 2021
30 October 2022
PH1020951/237STAGECOACH DEVON LTD[3], Plymouth, KingsbridgeReceived: 26-Sep-2022Effective: 30-Oct-2022Accepted: 04-Oct-2022Variation:9Minor Changes to TimetableTimetable: T002167NP2877: 3.4 Applications to Vary Existing Services Granted Under Short Notice"Comments: There will be changes to the way in which Service 3 operates from 30 October 2022, with the service operating as two separate services. Service 3 will operate between Plymouth and Kingsbridge and a new Service 93 will operate between Kingsbridge and Dartmouth.The frequency of buses will remain the same at up to every 60 minutes Monday to Friday and Saturday daytime on both services, with a limited Sunday and Public Holiday timetable on Service 93 between Kingsbridge and Dartmouth.A number of departure times are revised, however, where possible school, college and commuter journeys remain largely unchanged. Customers wishing to make journeys that involve travelling across Kingsbridge, will be able to do so and remain on the same vehicle. Customers will be able to purchase through tickets for travel across Kingsbridge and the timetable is designed to ensure Services 3 and 93 connect with each other in each direction.30 October 2022
5 November 2022
5 November 2022
24 February 2023
24 February 2023
03 September 2023
PH1020951.237STAGECOACH DEVON LTD[3], Plymouth, , KingsbridgeEffective: 03-Sep-2023Variation:11Variation AcceptedNP2920: 3.3 Applications to Vary Existing ServicesRevised timetable as per Council Tender, with added trip as follows 0520 Sugar Mill to Kingsbridge ( Mon-Sat) 1940 Kingsbridge to Plymouth, has been put back to 1950 departure. Revised times departing from Kingsbridge to reduce the layover time. Some minor punctuality changes to improve efficiency.. Following the award of a tender by Devon County Council, a new timetable will be introduced with revised departure times on all days of operation to improve punctuality of the services. An additional later and last journey will operate Monday to Saturday on Service 93 from Dartmouth to Kingsbridge at 1845. Guaranteed connections will be offered for passengers travelling beyond Kingsbridge in either direction allowing customers to remain on the vehicle, with reduced waiting times in Kingsbridge.Record updated: 27 August 202303 September 2023
07 January 2024
PH1020951.237STAGECOACH DEVON LTD[3 3M], Plymouth, Modbury diversion, KingsbridgeEffective: 07-Jan-2024Variation:12Variation Accepted by SNNP2942: 3.4 Applications to Vary Existing Services Granted Under Short NoticeRevised timetable in connection with road closure at Modbury & Stoke Fleming. This timetable will be valid from 7th Jan to 9th Feb 2024 inclusive. A Shuttle bus, 3M, will also operate from Modbury to Yealmpton and Plymouth. This will operate from 7th Jan until 9th Feb 2024. Record updated: 13 January 202407 January 2024
PH1020951.237STAGECOACH DEVON LTD[3 3M], Plymouth, Modbury diversion, KingsbridgeEffective: 07-Jan-2024Variation:13Variation Accepted by SNNP2943: 3.4 Applications to Vary Existing Services Granted Under Short Notice
Revised timetable in connection with road closure at Modbury & Stoke Fleming. This timetable will be valid from 7th Jan to 9th Feb 2024 inclusive. A Shuttle bus, 3M, will also operate from Modbury to Yealmpton and Plymouth. This will operate from 7th Jan until 9th Feb 2024. Record updated: 06 January 2024
12 February 2024
PH1020951.237STAGECOACH DEVON LTD[3], Plymouth, Modbury diversion, KingsbridgeEffective: 12-Feb-2024Variation:14Variation Accepted by SNNP2948: 3.4 Applications to Vary Existing Services Granted Under Short NoticeVary Route and Timetable. Completion of the road closure at Modbury.. Record updated: 24 February 202412 February 2024
14 April 2024
New timetable on Traveline. No registered changes.14 April 2024
30 March 2025
PH1020951.237STAGECOACH DEVON LTD[3], Plymouth, Modbury diversion, KingsbridgeEffective: 30-Mar-2025Variation:15Variation Accepted30 March 2025
To commence a Sunday timetable from Plymouth to Kingsbridge, with four return trips.. Record updated: 28 February 2025