Wildcat Workshop @ Chester Arthur School 

Grade 8


Essential Questions

Key Projects

Week of 14 April & 9 May

We began exploring how to define properties of sprites in Game Lab using JavaScript and dot notation.

We also visited the Heinz National Wildlife Refuge to learn about the biodiversity that exists there. We observed wildlife on a nature walk (identifying birds and turtles using field guides). We also conducted a study of water samples to look for living things and identify them using a key.


Weeks of 14 & 21 March

We practiced what we knew about drawing shapes and using variables to create a checkerboard animation. We had to use x and y coordinates to create the board and place the checker. Then, we needed to create, use, and update a variable for the y-position of the checker to make it move down the board.


Week of 7 March

We used a Kahn Academy module to explore how variables can be used to create animations in JavaScript. For instance, if we declare a variable x, call it in our program as the x-position of some shape or group of shapes, and then incrementally change its value (x = x + 1;), we can make it appear to be moving if we continually draw the shape and change its position. We also discussed why you might want to make something change its position in a game without being controlled by the player (e.g., pedestrians moving in the background, attackers moving toward the player).


Week of 28 February

We continuing using Game Lab in code.org to learn JavaScript. This week, we began exploring how and why we might incorporate random numbers into our game code. We also watched a video about the history of video games and the contributions of Jerry Lawson, an African American engineer who led the development of the first cartridges for a gaming system.


Weeks of 24 January; 7, 14, & 21 February

We began learning about how to draw shapes on a coordinate plane. We used Game Lab in code.org, which allowed us to use both blocks and text to write our code and learn JavaScript. 

We also began exploring how and why we might incorporate variables into our game code.

Grade 8 — Week 24: Drawing shapes, intro to variables


Week of 17 January 

We earned a Digital Citizen Badges for being Screen Time Managers. This means we reflected on how we feel when we use digital devices. We focused on social media in particular and how it can sometimes make us feel as if we are missing out on exciting things that other people are doing. We also reflected on how to better balance our screen time.

Digital Citizen Badge: Screen Time Manager (5-8)

Week of 10 January 

We watched a video about the origin of the word algorithm. We discussed how an algorithm is a set of step-by-step rules for solving a problem or completing a process.

Then, we practiced writing detailed and specific algorithms for building Lego structures.

We shared our algorithms with peers, who tried to build the structure using our instructions. Some of us improved our written instructions after getting feedback from a peer.


Week of 3 January 

We earned a Digital Citizen Badge for being a Conscientious Digital Sharer. This means we reflected on the ways that we passively and actively add information to our digital footprint. Next, we discussed how information in our digital footprint may be used by others who have access to it. We also discussed some of the negative consequences of sharing too much personal and private information online.

Digital Citizen Badge: Conscientious Digital Sharer (5-8)


Weeks of 13 & 20 December 

We continued working on our board game designs. 


Week of 6 December 

We practiced sequencing and problem-solving using a coding site called Tynker.

For Computer Science Education Week (December 6-10), we also contributed to a secret pixel message. Each student placed five Post-its based on horizontal and vertical coordinates. All digital images are made up of pixels. And some programming languages, like Javascript, use horizontal and vertical coordinates to place objects on a digital page.


Weeks of 18 & 25 October; 8 & 15 November 

We switched from thinking about the technical components of games to learning a little about insects to begin brainstorming game ideas. The games we build this year should be inspired by nature in some way. We learned about:

To begin ideating game possibilities, we used plastic bugs and a variety of game pieces (e.g., timers, dice, spinners, cards). We had brainstormed game ideas in prior classes using materials. The addition of insects was the new layer!

Grade 8 — Week 8 Slides


Week of 11 October 

Throughout this school year, we're building games inspired by nature. Some of our board games may have electric components, such as circuits and switches connected to LEDs, buzzers, and/or motors. So, we practiced building circuits with an online simulation. Then, we switched to physical components to practice building circuits.

Grade 8 — Week 7 Slides


Weeks of 20 + 28 September 

We explored Tinkercad, which allows us to build 3D objects that we can print with a 3D printer. We may decide to 3D print game pieces for the games we build. So, it is useful for us to know how to use this software. After completing a tutorial, we began creating a game piece that represents us in some way.

 Our 3D printer in action


Week of 13 September 

We continued our exploration of what makes a game a game by analyzing some board games. We wrote down notes about their conceptual features (like, what are the rules and how many players?) and their physical features (like, what pieces do they have?) Our goal was to begin getting some inpiration for the games we will build. 

We had a virtual visit with a ranger from the US Fish and Wildlife Service. She works at the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge is the first urban refuge and is located near the Philadelphia International Airport. She asked us if we would learn more about conservation so that we could build games for the youth who participate in their summer camp at the refuge. We took a virtual tour of part of the refuge and wrote down some notes about what we saw. Our goal was to begin getting some inpiration for the games we will build. 


Week of 30 August 

We began the year reflecting on our favorite games (video, board, card, outdoor, etc.). Next, we brainstormed what features games should have. Then, we practiced ideating using game pieces to develop new games. 

Our goal this year will be to design games—physical and digital!

Example of ideating with checkers