Google Classroom

Google Classroom offers teachers daily learning management system to assign work, moderate discussions, create quizzes and tests, and communicate with students. The District automatically creates and manages rosters for all graded course sections from the Student Information System (SIS).

Creating Classrooms & Rosters

Turning Off Classroom Notifications?

Removing Classroom Notifcations

When will my sections be created in Google Classroom?

Google Classroom classes will be created on the second day of a section's starting term.

I don’t see all of my sections in Google Classroom - how do I get them added?

Your current graded classroom sections should already exist in Google Classroom for you. Student rosters are synchronized nightly with the SIS.

First, check your Archived Google Classes - you may have archived them by mistake. Look below for the question "How can I restore an Archived class from a previous year?"

If you’re still missing any graded sections from Google Classroom, then please contact for further assistance. Please include in the email, your school name, course and section that is missing.

Can I create my own classes or do I need to use the District created classes?

You can create and use your own classes, just know that the district created classes will be update as student leave and are added to your classes.

I am a K-6 Teacher - How can I get a Google Classroom for my homeroom?

The District only created graded classes in Google Classroom. But your graded Reading, Writing and Math classes probably have the same students. So you can choose one of those classes, rename it to "Homeroom 101" and use it for content in more than one subject or all subjects.

Can I create my own classes or do I need to use the District created classes?

You can create and use your own classes, just know that the district created classes will update as students are added or removed from your classes.

How do I create my own class in Google Classroom?

Open up Google Classroom and click on the +, a window will pop up with two options one is to "Join a class" and other is "Create a class". Click create a class, name your class, enter section, subject and room and then click the "create" button.

Open the class and add your students or send your students the join code.

Why is a student’s name grayed out in Google Classroom?

When a student is invited but has not accepted, you cannot interact with that student yet. The student needs to accept the Classroom invite and then the student's name will be normally and you can post assignments or comments to that students.

I keep getting the error "Couldn't invite student." What's happening?

This is because you are also logged in to a personal Google account and a Google account at the same time. Make sure that you completely logged out of any personal Google accounts when using Google Classroom:

  1. In the upper right corner, click your account picture and choose Sign out.

  2. Make sure that all accounts are listed as "signed out".

  3. Log back in with your District account, and try it again.

How do I remove a student from Google Classroom?

  1. Open the Class and click on the People tab.

  2. Under Students, locate the student and check the box next to the name.

  3. At the top of the Students list, click Actions, then Remove.

  4. When asked to confirm removal of the student, click Remove.

Can Principals/Assistant Principals have access to all Google Classrooms in their building?

Yes, they can. They can use LittleSIS and add themself to the Google Classroom for an hour, a day, or forever. Please click here for directions for LittleSIS.

I am a School Counselor - how can I set up Google Classrooms for all of my students?

Counselors will need to manually create Google Classrooms based on their needs, and then provide the class join codes to students. To create a classroom for all students based on grade level, follow these directions:

1.) If you haven’t already created your classroom, go to and create the Google Classroom, and make note of the “class code” to join.

2.) There is an Import Contact Tool available – go to the “Google Mail (Calendar, Contacts)” section of this page (below) for the question “How do I import contacts for the students and staff at my school?” and follow the link there. This will allow you to import whole grades of students from your school into your contacts, organized in a contacts “label” (or folder).

3.) Go to Google Contacts ( and make note of the label name on the left side for the grade level.

4.) Go to Gmail ( and start a new message. Type in the name of the “label” from Contacts, and it should auto-complete there. This email will go to all students in that grade. Then, in the body of the message, type in the “class code” to allow all students to join that Classroom.

I am a Special Education Teacher with a custom roster - can you merge my Google Classrooms?

The District is currently synchronizing graded sections from the SIS as they exist, which focuses on courses rather than homerooms. Your current graded classroom sections should already exist in Google Classroom for you. Student rosters are synchronized nightly with the SIS. We cannot combine or change those sections to provide a single Google Classroom or homeroom.

If you have classes in common with the same students, then you can choose one of those classes, rename it if you'd like and use it for content in more than one subject with those students.

I have a Student Teacher in my class - can they access my Google Classroom classes?

Yes, they can. They will need to see their college or university supervisor and they will walk them through all the paperwork and finger printing, that needs to be submitted to HR. Once that has been completed the district will assign them a district username. Then you can invite them into your Google Classroom.

Can long term substitute teachers be added to Google Classroom?

Long-term substitutes needed to have accounts because only users can be teachers in Google Classroom. But you can invite outsiders into your Google Meet like you might have a visitor come to your classroom.

Can I add a student's private tutor to Google Classroom?

No, only staff and students within the domain can be added to the Google Classrooms. If the parent wishes, the tutor can view the student's work when the student logs in or the parent can download the work if the student needs assistance with any of the assignments.

My District created Classrooms seem to be missing from last year?

Over the Summer the District Archived all your District Created Classes. To restore one or more of those classes follow these steps.

1) Open your Google Classroom

2) Click on the three lines in the left-hand corner

3) Scroll down until you see the words "Archived Classes"

4) Click on "Archived Classes"

5) Search for the class you are looking for

6) Click on the three dots in the right-hand corner of the Class

7) Click on "Restore"

8) Click on the blue "Restore"

9) Click on the three lines in the left-hand corner

10) Click on "Classes" or the icon of the house

11) Look for the class you just restore and click to open

Adding Parents & Guardians

How do I add parents or guardians to Google Classroom?

Parents and guardians cannot use the student class code to join a Google Classroom. The class code will only work to invite students. Parents can only receive email summaries of class activities. If you wish to invite a parent or guardian to receive email summaries from Google Classroom, then follow these steps for each of the student's guardians:

  1. Open a Google Classroom class where the student is enrolled

  2. Click on People and find the student

  3. Highlight the student and select Invite Guardians

  4. Enter the email address of the parent or guardian to invite them - If you need to invite more than one parent for the same student type in the first email address press the enter and enter the second.

  5. Once you have entered the email address(es) click on invite.

Parents/guardians now will receive an email to set up how often they would like to receive the emails. Once that is done the Parents or guardians will receive summary emails showing upcoming work and missing assignments. They will not have access to Google Classroom itself.

How do I remove parents or guardians from Google Classroom?

Follow these steps to remove a guardian from the summary emails for a student. This action removes the guardian from all of the student’s classes at your school, not just the classes you teach.

  1. Go to

  2. Open a Google Classroom class where the student is enrolled.

  3. At the top, click People.

  4. Next to the student’s guardian’s name, click More > Remove guardians.

  5. If the student has one guardian, click Remove.

  6. If the student has multiple guardians, check the box for the appropriate guardian and click Remove.

When you remove a guardian, you, the removed guardian, and the student will each receive a confirmation email.

Can parents and guardians just use the join code?

No, parents and guardians cannot use the student class code to join a Google Classroom. The class code will only work to invite students.

Does a parent/guardian need to be invite to every class to receive the Parent/Guardian emails?

No. Once a guardian is invited and accepts for one class, the guardian is linked to their student in all classes. The guardian gets email summaries for all classes that teachers have turned on the service.

I have two parents of the same student who want to be invited in Classroom. How do I invite both?

Once you invite the first parent, their name will appear with the student’s name on the “People” Tab of Google Classroom. To add a second parent, click the 3 dots at the end of that row, and choose “Invite Guardians” to send an invite to a second parent for that same student.

Can guardians view my class stream or student work?

No. When you invite parents, they can’t get into Classroom. Instead, guardians get an email summary of their student’s work, which contains information about missing work, upcoming work, and class activity. Learn more about guardian email summaries.

Do parents and guardians need a Gmail address or a Google Account?

No. When you invite parent and guardians in Google Classroom and they click Accept, they will receive weekly summaries to that email address. However, with a free Google Account, they can change their frequency of the email summaries. See the question How do parents and guardian manage their guardian email settings? For information on Google Accounts, see How accounts work.

How do parents and guardians manage their guardian email settings?

Note: To manage email summary settings, you need a free Google Account. You don’t need a Gmail address to create a Google Account. To create one with your current email address, see Create your Google Account.

If you have a Google Account

Go to, where you can see the students connected to your account and manage 2 settings:

  • The frequency of your emails

  • Your time zone

If you don’t have a Google Account

You only get weekly emails and can’t change any settings.

Does the same guardian have to be invited in every class?

No. Once a guardian is invited and accepts for one class, the guardian is linked to their student in all classes. The guardian gets email summaries for all classes that teachers have turned on the service.

Classroom Management

How do I mute a student's comments in Google Classroom?

  1. Open the Class and click on the People tab.

  2. Under Students, locate the student and check the box next to the name.

  3. At the top of the Students list, click Actions, then Mute.

  4. When asked to confirm muting the student, click Mute.

Classwork & Assignments

How can I send email to all students from my Google Classroom?

Follow these directions to send email messages from Google Classroom. You can send messages to all student in 1 classroom at a time:

How do I view all of a student's assignments on one screen?

Open Google Classroom and click on the class where the student is enrolled. Click on the People tab. Double click on the student.

How do I add the same assignment across multiple classrooms?

Option #1

  1. Create the assignment post and schedule it in one classroom.

  2. Go to another classroom that you would like to post the same assignment in and navigate to the classwork tab.

  3. Click the "create" button in the upper right and select "reuse assignment".

  4. In the "reuse assignment" tool, find the classroom you posted to originally and locate the assignment you wish to post to the new classroom. Click "reuse assignment".

  5. When the assignment tool pops up to schedule to the classroom, click the down arrow next to "assign" and select "schedule" then set your desired date and time.

  6. Repeat for each classroom you wish to post the assignment in.

Note: If you have multiple classes selected you will not be able to select "schedule".

Option #2

  1. Create the post, and select all the classes you would like to schedule to.

  2. Instead of clicking "schedule" or "assign", choose "save as draft". This will save it as a draft in all the classrooms.

  3. Visit each classroom and edit the assignment. Select "schedule" and set a date.

While I realize that none of these workarounds is as quick or convenient as being able to post to multiple classes, they are the best workarounds for the time being. I do highly recommend that you send your feedback to the developers as outlined above to show your support for this feature request.

How do I copy (or reuse) an assignment from one Class to another?

1) Open the Class where you want the copy(reuse) assignment added

2) Click on Classwork

3) Click on + Create button

4) Click on Reuse Post

5) Select the Class where the Assignment is located

6) At the bottom of the window can click on the checkbox to create new copies of all attachments (optional)

7) Select the assignment

8) Click on the blue "reuse" button at the bottom of window

Some of my students receive the error "no attachment assigned" after I create an assignment. What should they do?

When a student receives this error for an assignment, ask the student to follow these steps:

  1. Click the Classwork tab at the top

  2. Click on the assignment title to expand the assignment

  3. Click on View Assignment

  4. Locate Your Work in the top right corner and click on the file with your name on it

When I look at the “Student Work” page, many of the attachments are not there. What’s wrong?

If you used the Make a Copy for Each Student feature, the attachment gets created for students when they open the assignment for the first time. You are seeing no attachment because those students have not opened that assignment. When they do, the document will be created and accessible to you.

If you attached documents from your drive and selected the option to make a copy for every student, that copy does not get generated until the student actually opens the assignment. You are seeing documents for students who have opened it already. Google Classroom will generate the assignments for the students who currently do not have it when they enter the class and open the assignment.

Can I sync assignments to Google Classroom from other sites like Pearson Realize, Khan Academy or Read Works?

The District does not support synchronizing assignments from other platforms or systems into Google Classroom.

Will students' scores and grades in Google Classroom be synchronized to the SIS (Infinite Campus)?

No, the District does not support grade or score pass-back into the SIS at this time. You will need manually enter any grade-bearing scores for students into your SIS Gradebook.

In June 2019, Google and Infinite Campus announced a partnership to develop this ability. Once it has been released, the District will review it to determine if it will function and meet our needs.

Archiving Classes

How can I restore an Archived class from a previous year?

Go to Google Classroom, then click on the stack icon (three lines) in the upper left corner of the screen.

Choose Archived Classes. For each Class you want to restore: in the upper-right corner of the card, click the three-dot icon and chose “Restore” to make them active again.

Then click on the stack icon (three lines) in the upper left corner again.

Choose Classes. The archived classes will be there now.

Do I need to Archive my classes at the end of the school year?
