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Social Sciences

Watch the below video from Faculty Manager, Jon Price, to get an understanding of the Social Science A-Levels we offer at Petroc. Once you have done that pick the A-Level subject you are interested in!

In Social Sciences you will learn to analyse, evaluate and apply intellectual thought all the way from Ancient Rome, through Medieval Europe to the complexity of modern economic and legal systems. You will also be afforded the opportunity to consider how the human mind and natural environment have interacted to create the opportunities and challenges of today’s society. Most importantly of all, by combining these disciplines, you will understand how the world has developed to date so that you can influence how it changes tomorrow.

We have created a few taster sessions for you to have an insight into specific A Levels. Explore them through the links below!

Based on real business situations, you will learn about the importance of decision-making, strategic planning and the competitive environment in which businesses operate. Topics studied lend themselves to studying and engaging with the business world whilst following business developments internationally.

Click here for an insight into our Business A Level

Learn about the world of the Ancient Greeks and Romans. You will study their culture, literature, politics, religion, myths and legends. Take the opportunity of a visit to Rome and unearth everything ’The Eternal City’ has to offer.

Click here for an insight into our Classics A Level


Economics is a vibrant, exciting and relevant subject opening the door to numerous, well-rewarded career opportunities. It offers a contemporary course which relates economic theories to today's problems and challenges. These include issues ranging from globalisation and its effects on the UK in terms of jobs and migration, to issues facing individual business such as marketing and management.

Click here for an insight into our Economics A Level


Make sense of what is happening in the world today. Be inspired and develop your geographical understanding to engage critically with real-world issues and places. Grow as an independent thinker and as an informed and engaged citizen who understands the role and importance of geography as a key discipline.

Click here for an insight into our Geography A Level

Uncover the history behind the values, events and ideas that underpin our world today. Look in depth at the tumultuous War of the Roses, overview the great story that is Germany from 1871 to 1991 and unwrap the saga of modern Russia.

Click here to find out more about our fascinating A Level in History


Gain an overview of the law in relation to some substantive areas, understand the sources of law and the English Legal System, and explore law and morality. English, both reading and writing, is a significant tool for the study of law, which is a very precise subject. A willingness to engage with these skills will be an advantage.

Click here for an insight into our Law A Level

Explore relationships between governments, people and ideas. This course links incredibly well with subjects such as history, law, sociology and economics because the learning in one supports achievements in the other.

Click here to learn more about our interesting A Level in Psychology

Explore relationships between governments, people and ideas. This course links incredibly well with subjects such as history, law, sociology and economics because the learning in one supports achievements in the other.

Click here for an insight into our Politics A Level

Build up your knowledge and understanding of sociological thought and methods on this stimulating and topical programme. Study how people behave in social situations and analyse the causes and effects at work beneath society as a whole.

Click here to understand more about our Sociology A Level