
Welcome to Petroc PACE +


The information on this page will give you a flavour of what it is like studying an Apprenticeship at Petroc and help to expand your knowledge. Take a look around!

Watch the welcome video from our Head of Apprenticeships, Sam Wilson, listen to some general information about Apprenticeships and read the slides on Apprenticeships at Petroc.

Once you have finished on the Apprenticeship page, visit the subject pages for more information about Apprenticeships in those areas.

Welcome from the Head of Apprenticeships

Sam Wilson

What is an Apprenticeship?

Watch the videos below to find out more about Apprenticeships including a presentation by our Head of Apprenticeships, Sam Wilson

What is it like to be an Apprentice?

Check out some national statistics!


Find out more general information about Apprenticeships by watching the video and visiting the National Apprenticeship website

Apprenticeships at Petroc

Copy of Copy of Petroc Pace - Presentation - Apprenticeships

Petroc Apprentices - Learning and Earning

What Apprenticeships does Petroc offer?

We offer Apprenticeships in the following subjects. Click on the subject to find out more information about Apprenticeships in that area:

Meet some of our Apprentices

Kiera Bence

Hairdressing Apprenticeship Level 3 Employer: Petroc Hair Academy

“I originally started at college on a Health & Social Care course, but after a year I realised it wasn’t right for me. For a while I was at a bit of a loss as to what to do next, but my mum said 'You've always been great at doing hair, why don’t you try that instead?

I’m so glad she did, as enrolling on the Level 2 Diploma in Hairdressing was the best decision I ever made – I absolutely loved it!

I’ve always been a very practical person. Someone can explain something to me several times and I won’t understand it, but as soon as they demonstrate it I get it straight away. I’ve always learnt far better that way.

I love the social side of hairdressing. I really enjoy talking to different people and making them feel relaxed and comfortable in the salon. I also like the fact that it’s a very varied job; no two days are ever the same.”

Callum Macdougall

Light Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Apprenticeship Level 3

Employer: Auto Service Garage, Seaton

"There are many benefits of doing an apprenticeship. For me, the main selling point was the fact I could learn on the job – I’ve always learnt better that way. I love being able to watch someone do something and then try it for myself straight afterwards. I think I get the best of both worlds because I get to be out and about in a real working environment, and then come to college one day a week to learn the theory to back up what I’m learning in the workplace.

The facilities in the new Future Technologies Centre are excellent and it definitely feels like a real-life working environment.

At the moment my short-term goal is to successfully complete my Level 3 apprenticeship. After that, I plan to take a three-day course to become an MOT tester and also do an air conditioning course, as this will make me more employable and open up more job opportunities in the future."

Adam Bond

Plumbing & Heating Apprenticeship Level 2 Employer: Barton Plumbing and Heating

“At school I was never particularly academic, so I knew I wanted to do a course at college where I’d be doing a lot of hands-on learning. I’d heard that there is money to be made in the trades, if you’re prepared to work hard and put in the hours. I’ve always considered myself a hard worker, so I started looking into the possibility of doing an apprenticeship.

I’m so glad I chose the apprenticeship route. The fact you get paid and you learn is a win-win situation.

And, from an employer’s perspective, they get to teach you exactly what it is their clients need and expect and shape you to fit their business.

As well as learning on the job, I also spend a day at college. The facilities in the new Future Technologies Centre are fantastic. When I complete the Level 2 I will go straight onto the Level 3 apprenticeship. Then I’d like to start specialising and will look into additional courses.”

Rosie Hayton

Marketing Apprentice Level 3

Employer: Turquoise Thinking

Since beginning her apprenticeship at Turquoise, Rosie has been involved with various tasks and projects that have equipped her with new skills and knowledge that will help her throughout her career.

Turquoise are so impressed with her progress, they gave her the opportunity to plan and organise their stand at the South West Business Expo, the largest business expo in the South West with over 240 exhibitors and 3,000 attendees! Rosie said “The exhibition was such a huge opportunity and has really helped me gain confidence”.

Maria Munoz & Megan Brace

Performing Engineering Operations Level 3

Employer: Eaton Aerospace

Maria said,

"I would recommend an Apprenticeship as they are really interesting and I have wanted to work in aerospace since I was a child. I learn a wide range of skills and everyday is different. I have always loved aerospace so this is exactly what I wanted to do."

Megan said,

"When I was at school I wasn't really told about Apprenticeships. As soon as I saw there was an opportunity to study an Apprenticeship where the learning is more hands on, I thought that would be the perfect path for me. I started off doing a Level 2 Mechanical Engineering Apprenticeship and I have progressed onto a Level 3 Performing Engineering Operations Apprenticeship. I plan to go as fair as I can in this industry.

Marcus Fisher

Site Carpentry Apprenticeship Level 2 Employer: Mark Fisher Carpenters Ltd

“I am currently on a Level 2 apprenticeship at Mark Fisher Carpenters Ltd, based in Tiverton.

I really like the fact that every day is different, depending on what projects my dad is currently working on. At the moment we’re doing a barn conversion, installing the timber frame and fitting the windows, doors, skirting and architrave.

This is a very practical course, as you would expect, which really suits me, as I’ve always learnt better doing hands-on work, rather than in an academic environment.

I feel like I’ve got a good balance by doing an apprenticeship, as there are some things which I learn at college which I don’t have the opportunity to do at work, and vice versa. This gives me a much more varied skills set than if I was just in the workplace or just on a college course. An apprenticeship gives you a lot of options, as you have the skills to either go and work for someone else, do contract work or even set up your own business.

After I complete this study programme I’ll be moving onto the Level 3. The plan is to stay with my dad and then maybe one day become a partner in his business. The industry definitely seems to be picking up at the moment, and there seems to be a lot of upcoming work on new builds and restorations, so I’m excited for the future.”

See you in September!

We look forward to you joining us for your next steps!

If you have an question do not hesitate to email:

Sam Wilson

Head of Apprenticeships