Drama Club

Holly Collins

Sarah Mossel

Justin Henriks

Drama Club is a new initiative designed for Year 4-7 students who will be taught various skills such as blocking their own scenes, understanding staging and movement concepts involved in performing, discuss their own costume designs/props, which may lead to a performance late in Term 3. This club will emphasize drama skills with minimal singing.

Absence from Clubs & Groups

Where possible, students should take personal responsibility for advance notification of absence from a practice or session by emailing the teacher with appropriate explanation.

Additional notification from the parent is always appreciated but we like the students to take responsibility in the first instance.


Sessions run : Term 2 & 3

Age Group : Year 4 - 7

Day/Time : Thursday 3:30pm - 4:30pm

Location : DA1 - Drama Room

Facilitators: Holly Collins, Sarah Mossel, Justin Henriks