
Sue Tula

Sally Tilly

Students are offered the opportunity to participate in an inter-school debating competition.

At Pedare we enter teams across both the Middle School and Senior School in the Debating SA competition. This competition provides topics, adjudicators and venues, as well as offering workshops. Debates are held in the evenings during the week at external venues such as Adelaide High School and Pembroke.

Senior teams, as well as having prepared debates, are challenged with one-card debates and short preparation debates.

Debates are held in the evenings, every 3-4 weeks, across Term 2 and 3.

Debate teams consist of 3-5 students who meet with their coach at least weekly, often at lunchtimes, throughout the season.

Debating is a great team sport that builds confidence in public speaking, as it encourages students to work as a team but think individually when it comes to rebuttal.

Absence from Clubs & Groups

Where possible, students should take personal responsibility for advance notification of absence from a practice or session by emailing the teacher with appropriate explanation.

Additional notification from the parent is always appreciated but we like the students to take responsibility in the first instance.


Sessions run : Term 2-3

Age Group : Year 6 - 12

Day/Time : TBA

Location : TBA