Swimming Squad

The Pedare Swim Squad allows swimmers to be involved in a competitive swimming environment.  Being a part of the Swimming squad will teach students the importance of hard work and discipline, while developing their technique through a variety of training methods.

Uniform Requirements: Swimwear, Goggles, Swim Cap, Fins (optional)


Where possible, students should take personal responsibility for advance notification of absence from training or non-availability for matches by emailing the team manager with appropriate explanation.  Additional notification from the parent is always appreciated but we like the students to take responsibility in the first instance.

Parent Support

Please support your child and the College by ensuring your child’s attendance at training and games and by attending matches yourself whenever possible.  Please also assist the coach by timing, umpiring or supervising when necessary.  Your assistance in being on time when dropping off and picking up from venues is appreciated.

Junior School Swimming Squad

Age Groups: Year 4 and 5  by invite only

Season: Term 1 & 4

Training Day/Time/Venue: Wednesday morning 7:15am-8:15am, State Swim Golden Grove, 151 The Golden Way, Golden Grove

Equipment: Students must come ready to swim in their bathers, goggles and a drink bottle. A change of clothes, their College uniform and a towel should also be brought to change into after the session and to start the day.

Extra: Students are selected to attend this training from Swimming Carnivals at the beginning of the year. Students return to the College supervised by a staff member once the session has been completed.

Middle and Senior School Swimming Squad

Age Groups: Year 6 to 12

Season: Term 1, 2, 3 & 4

Training Day/Time/Venue: Friday morning 7:15am-8:15am, State Swim Golden Grove, 151 The Golden Way, Golden Grove

Equipment: Students must come ready to swim in their bathers, goggles and a drink bottle. A change of clothes, their College uniform and a towel should also be brought to change into after the session and to start the day.