Training ownership & Sharing your approved training session

Who “Owns” an Oregon Registry Trainer Program (ORTP) Certified Training Session?

The certified trainer or Sponsoring Organization who submits the training session proposal "owns" the training session.

Why is it important to know who owns the training?

It is important for three reasons.

  1. Only the trainer or Sponsoring Organization (SO) who owns the training has the right to present the ORTP approved training.
  2. Additionally, only the trainer or SO who owns the training can share ownership with other certified trainers and Sponsoring Organizations who can then present it.
  3. When a training is being scheduled or entered into the statewide training calendar, you need to know who the approved trainers are. You can find out that information from the trainer, from the list maintained on the OCCD website ( or by calling us at ORTP.

What if you want another certified trainer or Sponsoring Organization to present the approved training?

...then you need to share ownership.

Here is a breakdown of why and with whom:

This only applies to only to Oregon Registry approved Set One, Set Two, and Set Three sessions.

1. SO shares with a certified trainer because the SO would like the certified trainer to have the ability to deliver the training outside of the SO.

  • It’s good for Sponsoring Organizations to be very clear about ownership, and future ownership with their trainers who develop and deliver their training sessions. OCCD does not have rules around this.

2. A certified trainer shares with a SO because the certified trainer would like other trainers, selected by the organization, to deliver the training.

  • It should be noted that any certified Oregon Registry Master Trainer can co-train with non-certified trainers. A trainer would only share training ownership because the organization will have non-certified trainers deliver the training without the certified Master Trainer.

3. SO (A) shares with SO (B) because SO (B) would like to post the event on the Oregon Registry Training Calendar.

  • SO (A) can post the event on the training calendar, but it would need to be made clear that the event will take place with SO (B).

How to share a training session

Send an email to, and include the trainer or Sponsoring Organization you're sharing the training with. In the subject line state, "Sharing a training session". Provide the training name, subtitle if there is one, and your approval to share the training with the trainer or Sponsoring Organization.

Sharing a training is not an instantaneous process. Prior to being able to provide a shared training there are many processes that take place. We need at least a two week notice in order to share a training, which provides time for a new training session to be created, letters and certificates being generated, etc.

In addition to giving permission for another trainer or Sponsoring Organization to provide your training, a trainer also needs to provide some key elements and resources associated with a training.