Training Certificate

What information needs to be on a training certificate?

OCCD’s Training and Education Criteria specify that certificates must contain, at a minimum, the following information:

  1. Name of attendee

  2. Title of Training (should clearly link to a CKC)

  3. Date(s) of training

  4. Hours/length of training

  5. Name of trainer or name of agency offering the training

sample certificate.pdf

Training Certificates fill a variety of functions and are used for a variety of purposes.

It is the physical record of a participant’s attendance at a training. It can be submitted to the Oregon registry and verified by OCCD staff to help meet requirements for an Oregon Registry step, to document annual required training hours for Office of Child Care licensing, and/or to meet the personnel qualifications for the QRIS portfolio process.

Training certificates are provided to every attendee of a training.

Trainings that are approved through the Oregon Registry Trainer Program also must include

  • the Core Knowledge Category(ies)

  • the Set level (Set One, Two or Three)

  • the age group

  • the training ID number (if it has been entered into the state training calendar)

  • the name of the organization providing the training

  • any adult education hours associated with the training

  • whether the training is a distance or online training (optional)