Review Process for Training Session Proposals 

Training Session Proposal Review Process

Submit your Oregon Registry Training Session Proposal before you expect to offer the training session. 

Oregon's Trainer Program Review Team, consisting of volunteer Master Trainers who have an approved Set Two or Set Three training, usually meets the first week of the month to review all certified trainers and Sponsoring Organizations training session proposals that were submitted online

Submit your training session proposal by the date listed on the Review Team Calendar (below) for the month.

The Review Team members work in pairs to review your training session proposal based on the Training Session Requirements.  They are looking for individual items for completion and ensure training session standards are met, but are also looking that the entire session aligns.

Whether your session has been approved, pending, or tabled, Oregon Registry Trainer staff will notify you by email to inform you of its status at least 5-10 business days after the Review Team has met. 

The difference between approved, pending, or tabled

Review Team 

If you are a Master Trainer, please consider contributing to the childhood care and education professional development community by joining the Review Team. 

A side benefit of participating is learning more about what constitutes a good training session proposal!

 Here is the criteria for Review Team volunteers:

 If you are interested, please contact Sonia Thomas at