
What is a CKC Standard and Set?

A Core Knowledge Category (CKC) Standard is what the professional learns within each Core Knowledge Category.

A Set is the depth of knowledge the professional will engage with the content in each CKC standard.

Three levels of Set Knowledge Standards:

  1. Introductory (understanding the what, why, how) knowledge is provided through Set One standards

  2. Intermediate (applicaiton of the content into practice and examine impacts) knowledge is provided through Set Two standards

  3. Advance (evaluation, synethsis, creation of something original) knowledge is provided through Set Three standards

Read below for further explanation.

The difference between the Sets

Set One sessions are introductory and do not have to be approved by Oregon Registry Trainer Program Review Teams, although trainers and Sponsoring Organizations may submit a proposal for approval. Set One Session certificates must meet the standards in the Training and Education Criteria.

  • The participants in a Set One training will work through the what, how, and why of the content to ensure they understand and can identify it.

Set Two sessions present intermediate knowledge. The purpose of these sessions is to build on previous knowledge by having professionals use what they have already learned and experienced to think in-depth, examine or explore the topic to learn more. Sessions are developed assuming that participants already have basic knowledge of the subject in order to participate at this intermediate level of complexity.

  • The participants in a Set Two will apply the content in their own practice and examine the impacts of application.

Set Three sessions present advanced knowledge. The purpose of these sessions is to provide in-depth study of the session topic. Sessions provide opportunities for analysis, comparison, critical examination, evaluation, research, and/or practical study. Set Three participants are expected to already have significant and/or intermediate knowledge of and professional experience in the session topic.

  • The participants in a Set Three will evaluate and synthesize the content, and possibly create something entirely original.

Tool: Active Verbs to support the development of your training session proposal.

Sets are based on Bloom's Taxonomy. Each Knowledge Set utilizes Bloom's Taxonomy verbs to demonstrate the level of depth and breath of the knowledge the professional will learn in each CKC standard. As you develop your training session, use this Active Verbs document to help ensure that your title, description, objectives, and agenda align with the Set language.

Set Active Verbs for Proposal Development .pdf

You will notice that verbs can be shared across Sets. This is not a problem. But please ensure that the entire training presents the level of depth and breadth of the Set.