Planning Your Agenda

Develop a comprehensive agenda that will inform the Review Team of your proposed plan for the training session.

The agenda needs to outline the teaching strategy, topic, and a brief description of the:

  • Reflection Activity

  • Activities related to your objectives

  • Professional Action Plan Activity

  • Evaluation and Certificates

Agenda Development Guide Chart

You can use this optional worksheet to list your topic, teaching method, activity, materials needed, and then finally connect your activities to your objective.

Agenda Development Guide Chart.docx
Activity Planning Worksheet.pdf

Agenda development for each Set Level

Supporting worksheet

If you want to make your training sessions more interactive, you can make the shift from lecture-based training to an active-based training.

Nearly every day we see articles about the importance of active learning for adults. Adults, especially those who work with children may be tired after a long day of caring for others. Active training improves learner retention and motivates learners to put what they learn into action in their programs. Research has shown that the amount of information retained by participants declines after ten minutes of lecture (Farley, Risko & Kingstone, 2013). So involve your participants more!

Possible training activities to get your participants more involved:

  • Role play

  • Poster gallery walk

  • Small group discussion

  • Interviews

  • Debate

  • Having the participants review and present the new information to their fellow peers

If you're unsure of what these entail, we suggest searching them on the internet or asking other trainers!