Mandarin SLP Phrases

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How to Use this Page

While a Mandarin Chinese interpreter may be required for situations such as evaluations and assessments, interpreters may not be readily available during therapy sessions. This page provides sound files on specific Mandarin Chinese words and phrases that may be helpful with both pediatric and adult populations. It is highly recommended that the speech pathologist listen to and practice with the audio files for pronunciation accuracy.

Introduction to Client:

1. “Hello I am the speech pathologist. My name is ___________

你好,我是語言治療師, 我的名字是 __________

ni hao, wo shi yu yan ji liao shi, wo de ming ji shi __________________

2. I do not speak Mandarin and the interpreter is unavailable.

我不會說中文, 我們暫時找不到翻譯人員

wo bu huay shuo chung wen, wo man jan shi jao bu dao fan yi

3. I am here to check on your swallowing, language, and cognition.


Wo shi lie bun ni jain cha tuan yan, yu yan, han zen ji gong nen de

4. I am going to ask you few questions in Mandarin to see how are you doing.”


wo jiang huay yong chung wen wen ni yi shay wen ti.