Arabic SLP Phrases

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How to Use this Page

While an Arabic interpreter may be required for situations such as evaluations and assessments, interpreters may not be readily available during therapy sessions. This page provides sound files on specific Arabic phonemes. It then provides words and phrases that may be helpful with both pediatric and adult populations. It is highly recommended that the speech pathologist listen to and practice with the audio files for pronunciation accuracy. Click on the Arabic letters to hear the audio file.

Arabic Phonological Differences

Some sounds in Arabic that do not have an English approximation

(table 1)

Introduction to Client

5. “Hello my name is _______.I am the speech pathologist, I do not speak Arabic and the interpreter is unavailable.

مرحبا أنا إسمي ـــــــــــ إختصاصية اللغة والنطق، أنا لا أتكلم العربية والمترجم غير متوفر

Salam ana esmi _________ ana ikhatisasit al lugha, la ataHadath lugha al arabia w al mutarjem ghaer mutawafer

I am here to check on your swallowing, language, and cognition.

أنا هنا لفحص على البلع، اللغة والوظائف العقلية

ana huna li fuhs balʕ , lugha, alwaɮaef al-ʕgleyeh

I am going to ask you few questions in arabic to see how are you doing.”

سوف أسألك بعض الأسئلة باللغة العربية لمعرفة كيف حالك

swfa asa’al asa’la fi al arabia li fuHsek