EOC Exams
What are the exams called?
The graduation tests can go by multiple acronyms/names - OSTs, EOCs or AIR exams. All three titles/names/acronyms are referring to the same thing. Here's the description of each:
OHIO STATE TESTS (OSTs): Entity that requires the exams
The State of Ohio requires the exams
END-OF-COURSE Exams (EOCs) - Type of exams
The exams align with specific courses and are offered towards the end of each course
The company that makes the tests for the schools (PCSD no longer uses AIR)
When do students take the exams?
There are six exams: English II, Algebra I, Geometry, US History, US Government & Biology
Students are given the first opportunity to take each exam during spring of the year they take the aligning class. Typically, this is when students take their first exam:
3 exams spring of Freshman year: Algebra I, US History, Biology
2 exams spring of Sophomore year: English II, Geometry
1 exam spring of Junior year: US Government
No exams senior year
How are exams scored?
Students are able to earn up to 5 points on each exam. The goal is score proficient (score of 3) or higher on each exam.
Students who meet a proficiency score on each exam will naturally earn graduation seals and meet the testing requirements. A proficiency score is typically a 3 out of 5 (which isn't a direct correlation but can equate to approximately a 'C-' on the exam). Some tests will allow a score of a 2 which can be considered around a D+ (but this is not suggesting proficiency).
Students who do not meet the needed score on exams are required to receive remediation and retake to improve scores. Students typically have up to 6 opportunities to retest (9 if testing is offered in the summer) prior to graduation.
A primary cause for low scores on tests (based on data analysis) is time spent on exam. Many students who do not earn a 3 or higher spend less than 30 minutes taking the exam. Students are provided 1.5 - 2 hours for each section of the exams... meaning some students can take up to 3 hours per test. However, when a student moves through the test in less than 30 minutes, it is highly unlikely the student will receive the proficiency score of 3. Additionally, we have many students skip questions or skip essays. It is again unlikely a student will be able to earn a proficiency score with missed questions and essays.
When do students retake exams?
Only students who do not meet proficiency scores on exams are scheduled for retakes. Exam retakes are offered 3 times a year (December, April and July). Students will be able to take each exam over and over through April of their senior year to try and earn a proficient score. The highest earned score always stays, therefore if a student retakes an exam and gets a lower score, he will not lose the previous higher score.
Academic ability and test anxiety may play a part in lower scores, but time spent on test and skipping questions is very damaging.
Students who struggle with test anxiety are permitted to take breaks during testing, and may receive extended time, or the ability to test over multiple days (to space it out).
Additional contributing factors to testing success, regardless of academic ability or test anxiety, remain consistent:
Practice and prepare for testing (see below)
Eat a good breakfast the day of testing so one's mind is not focused on hunger
Get a good night's rest the evening before testing so the mind and body are in full focus mode and brain recall is optimal
Carry confidence and a "I will try" attitude rather than "I can't test." Many times the brain functions better when a person is positive.
Stay on the test for the full test time without zipping through it quickly.
Do not skip questions
Make sure to read each question.
Essays need to be at least 5 sentences, 1 paragraph MINIMUM. One sentence essays do not equate to a score
Double-check one's work.
How should students prepare for exams?
1) Students are provided FREE access to Khan Academy. Students who use Khan Academy for at least 30 minutes a week statistically do better on academic tests, even if the students struggle with test anxiety or academic concerns. Khan Academy is available to all students through their Naviance Account. Please email your school counselor f you have any questions or do not know how to access Khan Academy.
2) All Ohio State Tests offer free practice tests online. Students can go to the state website to access:
Click here for practice test site
3) Students can review previous test questions and study materials.