Volume 1 Foundations of Faith

Chapter 2

Who is Jesus

Let's talk about Jesus. He's not just a character from ancient history books; he's a central figure in history. So, who is Jesus? Well, he's the son of God, sent to Earth over 2,000 years ago. He was born in a place called Bethlehem (yep, that's where the Christmas story comes from), lived a pretty normal life as a carpenter's son, and then started teaching some pretty radical ideas about love, kindness, and forgiveness. He hung out with all kinds of people, even those who were kind of outcasts in society. But here's the twist: He performed miracles, like healing sick people and walking on water, showing that he was more than just an ordinary guy. His life ended dramatically when he was crucified, but He came back to life three days later, which is what Easter is all about. For Christians, Jesus isn't just a historical figure; he's a symbol of hope, love, and a new way of looking at life.

Part 1: The Identity of Jesus

Jesus being both God and man, and also the Messiah. Imagine someone who's both a regular guy and also has all the powers of God - that's Jesus. He walked around, ate, slept, and did all the normal human stuff, but he also did things only God could do, like miracles. And about being the Messiah: this means Jesus was the chosen one, kind of like the ultimate hero, sent to save people and fix the broken relationship between humans and God. He was the one everyone had been waiting for, promised long ago to bring hope and a new start. So, Jesus being God, man, and the Messiah is a big deal because it's like he's the bridge connecting people with God in a way no one else could.

1. Jesus as God and Man:

   - John 1:1,14: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God... And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us..."

   - These verses affirm Jesus’ divine nature and His incarnation as a human being.

2. The Promised Messiah:

   - Isaiah 9:6: "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

   - Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies about the coming Messiah.

 Part 2: The Life and Ministry of Jesus

Jesus story starts with a pretty unique birth in Bethlehem and leads to a life that totally shook up how people think about spirituality. Jesus was known for his groundbreaking teachings, like those in the Sermon on the Mount. He talked about love, forgiveness, and doing the right thing in ways that really challenged the rules and ideas of his time.

But Jesus wasn't just about words. He did some pretty mind-blowing stuff, like healing sick people, giving sight to blind folks, and even bringing a guy named Lazarus back from the dead. These miracles were proof of his special connection to God and his deep understanding of what people go through.

What's really cool about Jesus was how he always showed love and welcomed everyone, even those who were usually left out or looked down on. He was all about showing what God's Kingdom is like – a place where everyone is valued.

In the end, Jesus' life led to him willingly dying and then coming back to life, which is the foundation of the Christian faith. This part of his story is about offering hope and a chance at a new kind of life that goes on forever.

1. His Miraculous Birth:

   - Luke 1:31-35: The angel Gabriel announces to Mary that she will conceive a son by the Holy Spirit.

   - Jesus’ birth is marked by divine intervention and fulfillment of prophecy.

2. His Teachings and Miracles:

   - Matthew 5-7 (Sermon on the Mount): Jesus’ teachings on the kingdom of God and righteous living.

   - John 11:43-44: Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, showcasing His power over life and death.

 Part 3: The Death and Resurrection of Jesus

The story of Jesus dying, being buried, and coming back to life is the heart of our whole faith. It was all part of a bigger plan – to show how much God loves people and to fix the relationship between humans and God. It's like God was saying, "I'll do anything to make things right with you."

After Jesus died, they put his body in a tomb, which is kind of like a big grave. Things seemed pretty dark and sad for a bit. But then, something amazing happened – three days later, Jesus wasn't dead anymore. He came back to life! This wasn't just a cool plot twist; it was a big deal because it showed that everything Jesus said about God and life after death was true.

This event, where Jesus came back to life, gives us hope of our eternal life. Jesus can totally change your life. Because Jesus died and paid our penalty we can live a life of peace. Not worrying about weather we are good enough or how much we have sinned. We rely on the fact that our faith is in Jesus who paid for our sins. It is through Jesus that we are right with God.

1. The Crucifixion:

   - Mark 15:37-39: Jesus’ death on the cross, an act of sacrifice for the sins of humanity.

   - His death fulfills the requirement for atonement of sin.

2. The Resurrection:

   - 1 Corinthians 15:3-4: "Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures."

   - Jesus’ resurrection is central to our faith, offering hope of eternal life.

 Part 4: The Impact of Jesus

Jesus is the bridge between us and God. Because of Jesus – his life, what he taught, his death, and coming back to life – We believe they can really know God, not just about Him. This isn't just head knowledge; it's about having a real, close relationship with God.

This belief gives us hope and a sense of purpose. It shapes how they see things like being saved, God's kindness (grace), and life after death. It's also had a big effect outside of church walls. Jesus' messages about loving others, being kind, and forgiving have inspired people to do good things in the world, like helping others and standing up for what's right.

1. Jesus as the Way to God:

   - John 14:6: "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'"

   - Jesus is the mediator between God and humanity.

2. The Call to Follow Jesus:

   - Mark 8:34: "And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, 'If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.'"

   - Jesus invites everyone to follow Him, promising eternal life and a transformed life.

Discussion Questions:

1. What does Jesus being both fully God and fully man mean for our understanding of His life and sacrifice?

2. How do Jesus’ teachings and miracles influence your personal faith and understanding of God’s kingdom?

3. Why is the resurrection of Jesus a pivotal event in Christian faith?

4. Discuss what it means to follow Jesus in your daily life as a high school student.

5. How has learning about Jesus impacted your view of God and your personal relationship with Him?

This teaching is designed to deepen high school students' understanding of Jesus Christ and to encourage them to reflect on the significance of His life and teachings in their personal lives.