Salvation Part 1 - Where are You?

God created man with a purpose, to be in a relationship with Him and to enjoy all the fullness of life with Him.

Genesis 3:8–9 

8 And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. 

9 But the Lord God called to the man and said to him, Where are you?

Think about this: Imagine a perfect chill spot, like a garden, where everything's in harmony, and you're just hanging out with your best friend. That's kind of how it was for Adam and Eve with God in the beginning. They were tight with their Creator, just enjoying life together.

But then, in Genesis 3, something major went down. Sin crashed the party, and suddenly Adam and Eve felt like they had to hide from God, their best friend. It's like when you mess up and feel you can't face your parents or friends.

What's cool, though, is that God didn't just leave them hiding. He asked, "Where are you?" It wasn’t like He didn’t know; He wanted to fix things. God's like that friend who doesn't give up on you, no matter what.

Fast forward to us today. God’s still reaching out, asking us the same question, especially when we're feeling lost or messed up. It’s like He's saying, "Hey, let's fix this. I’m still here." He wants to hang out with us, just like with Adam and Eve.

God’s not put off by our mistakes or the times we feel we've let Him down. As a matter of fact he loves us! He's all about second chances and wants us to be real with Him. Just like Adam and Eve, we all have our moments. But let's not hide. Let’s take up God's invite to chill with Him, being ourselves, flaws and all. In our own life's garden, God’s still there, always up for a heart-to-heart. God has a great plan to restore you and come back into fellowship with you.
