Our Talented Pupils

Jujitsu Gold

Ruby-Rose won her first Brazilian Jujitsu interclub competition, winning gold in her category.  She trained extremely hard for this achievement and is very proud of herself as are her family, her professors, her teammates and all of us at OVPA!

Art and Foraging

Belle likes to practise art techniques using lots of mixed media including painting, collage, clay and hapazome (which is a Japanese art technique using flower and plant pigments).

At the weekends she attends an outdoor group where she can practise her woodwork skills.  She is a keen forager and is always on the lookout for fungi and plants with the help of her foraging book.  Belle has become quite good at identifying different mushrooms and plants.  

Amazing Belle!  Well done and thank you for sharing this with us.


George has started boxing at Trojan gym every Monday and Friday and has been really enjoying himself, they do circuit training in the first half of the session which has been amazing for George's fitness and confidence!  

Hastings Half Marathon Supporters......

Luke, Isla, John, Jack and Jimmy supported the Hastings Marathon runners, cheering them on and handing out bottles of water.  The scouts were also working hard giving out water to all of the competitors. Our very own Nayes had the great honour of handing a cup of water to the runner who went on to win the whole race!  Molly and Lola produced some 'dopamine hit' signs to give runners a boost on their way round.  Well done to all of you!

...And Hastings Half Marathon Mini-run Success!

Huge congratulations to Bradley and Finnley, who competed in the Hastings Half Marathon Mini Run. This takes place on the seafront after the Hastings Half Marathon has got underway. It is great to see some of our keen runners giving this a go. Well done boys!


Johnathan attends swimming lessons every week with the Barbarians at Summerfields.  He has great stamina and has become very good at swimming, winning numerous certificates and badges for his success. He also competed in the Barbarians Swimming Olympics and won a personalised barbarians swimming towel.

Gymnastics Gold

Laila-Mae recently achieved another medal in her second ever gymnastics competition and this time it was gold!  Laila-Mae is part of Summerfields Gymnastics Club. What a great achievement - well done Laila-Mae!