Aspirations Project

In Year 5 & 6 we have been focusing on career aspirations for our young learners.  We believe that fostering an early interest and understanding of various career paths is crucial in helping pupils develop their aspirations and shape their futures.  Here's a glimpse into what we've been doing and what's to come:

Exploring Careers Through Curricular Activities:

This term, our pupils have been delving into various careers through interactive classroom activities and projects.  From learning about different STEM careers (science, technology, engineering & mathematics), to exploring the mysteries of the Shang Dynasty in history, pupils have had the opportunity to discover the vast array of professions available to them.

Career Talks and Visits:

Pupils had the pleasure of meeting a group of scientists online for a discussion.  These experiences have not only broadened their understanding of various careers but have also provided valuable insights into the skills and qualities needed to succeed in different professions.

Spotlight on Role Models:

In our classrooms, we've been highlighting the achievements of diverse role models who have made significant contributions to their respective fields.  Through stories, videos, and discussions, pupils have been inspired by individuals who have pursued their passions and overcome challenges to achieve their goals.

Encouraging Exploration and Creativity:

We believe that every pupil has unique talents and interests, and it's essential to nurture these from a young age.  Through extracurricular activities such as art, music, and sports, pupils have been encouraged to explore their interests and develop skills that will serve them well in any future career path.

Parental Engagement:

We greatly value the partnership between home and school in supporting our students' career aspirations.  We encourage parents and guardians to continue discussing with their children about their interests, strengths, and aspirations.  Your support and guidance play a crucial role in helping children navigate their career journey.

Looking Ahead:

As we move forward, we're excited to continue providing our pupils with opportunities to explore and pursue their passions. Next term, we will be organising some visits outside of school and have a representative from the De La Warr art gallery come in and talk with pupils.  This will give our year 5 and 6 pupils the chance to interact with professionals from a wide range of industries and participate in hands-on activities related to different careers.

Thank you for your ongoing support in helping our students dream big and reach for the stars!  Together, we can empower them to become the leaders, innovators, and changemakers of tomorrow.

Mr Newell.