Nursery Learning

This term has seen the Turtles being their 'busy best' with all things 'Springy!'  We have embraced the story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' in our Talk 4 Writing and even got to sample all the foods he ate - minus the green leaf!  Opinion was divided on what was our favourite and least favourite food stuffs.  Ice cream and chocolate cake were top of the list, with the pickle being the least favourite (with some interesting expressions!)  We planted some beans and seeds and talked about how they need water and light to grow.  We were very excited to see how our beans are growing in their own special greenhouses, leading to lots of language such as "It's popped out!", "It looks like a worm!" (the root).  Other learning saw us looking at the artwork of Jackson Pollock and creating our very own 'Crazy Hair' pictures using straws to blow the paint.  Finally, to get us in the mood for Easter, we had an Easter Egg hunt around our garden, looking for surprises left by the Easter Bunny. 

Happy Easter everyone from Turtle class.