Year 3 & 4 Learning

As we head into the Easter Holidays, we have a chance to reflect on the wonderful learning completed in term 4. 


This term has been packed full with lots of exciting things in Year 3/4.  We celebrated world book day and the class created their very own 'Tell me a dragon' book which we now have a copy of in our book corners.  Otter class also made a wonderful dragon display where they made their very own dragon scales!  We spent the morning outside drawing our favourite book characters with chalk and enjoying the little bit of sunshine we had. 


We also raised money for comic relief on Red Nose day! The classes were filled with the colour red and we enjoyed some of our afternoon at the fundraiser fair. There was face painting, competitons and many fun activities! 


Beluga class have enjoyed forest school this term. They have enjoyed braving the elements and getting muddy!
Children have worked together to create 'Viking Soda Bread'.  The children used a viking recipe and combined the ingredients.  They then placed it in a pot over the campfire and let it cook slowly.  The children loved tasting traditional Viking food - although I think they prefer modern day bread more! 

The children also loved watching spring slowly appear.  Each week they spoke of the changes they had noticed in the forest school site, sharing which plants were beginning to appear and deciding their favourite.  The colourful daffodils were a clear favourite! 


As well as all these action-packed days, we have also managed to squeeze in as much learning possible.  We have been learning all about the Vikings and a lot of our learning has been focused around this.  We learned all about why the vikings invaded and the many kings that ruled. We also sewed viking runes onto our own viking coin purse in DT and practised sketching intertwined viking patterns in art.

In science, we explored plants and used scientific questioning to discover what a plant really needs to grow.  We took the pupils out for a walk around the school to spot the different environments plants grow, and planted our own cress to make predictions and observations.  

The children recently dived into the magical world of witches and wizards and wrote some absolutely fantastic potion recipes.  The classes were encouraged to be as imaginative as possible and they did not disappoint! 

There is no better way to end the term than with a whole school treat.  Easter is just around the corner so we made yummy treats in Year 3/4 which we enjoyed alongside a film.  We also let off a lot of energy in a glow stick silent disco!

As always, we are very proud of all the children have achieved this term.  We can't wait to see what Term 5 has in store for us.