Term 4 Newsletter

Mrs Campbell's Headteacher Update

We are so delighted that Ofsted has recognised all the wonderful things we do at OVPA, grading the school as GOOD in all areas.  I am so grateful for the amazing staff team who give the pupils the very best care and opportunities.  Ofsted highlight that, "Pupils thrive in this school.  Adults rightly take a keen interest in the welfare of pupils.  Pupils trust adults and are looked after well." 

Personal Development was identified as a strength of the school with many opportunities to develop the whole child with their academic, social and emotional skills. 

"The school provides a wide range of opportunities to nurture, develop and stretch pupils’ talents and interests.  Pupils learn about the school’s values of cooperation, achievement, respect and empathy through a wide range of activities.  The school provides pupils with a wide range of clubs and activities.  These ensure that all pupils develop their wider interests and skills well.  For example, pupils in the choir participate in a range of performances in their locality."

Our pupil leaders showed the inspectors how we give the children a voice in our aim to make improvements and make OVPA a wonderful place for everyone. 

"Pupils who are appointed to the ‘junior leadership team’ meet with the headteacher.  They discuss improvements that pupils would like to see in the school.  The many roles such as these help pupils to have a genuine voice in the running of the school." 

I am so incredibly proud of the school and all we have achieved together.  It is wonderful to celebrate all the strengths of OVPA and we look forward to developing the areas identified by Ofsted that will make our school even better.  We continue to go from strength to strength and we are so excited about the next part of our journey.

OVPA is truly a fabulous place to learn and work! 

Mrs Campbell 

Mr Paramor's Deputy Headteacher Update

It was a pleasure to join our fantastic cross country runners this term.  21 of our KS2 pupils competed against 21 other schools in the area.  There were 712 children in total on the day and our children at OVPA did themselves proud.  I was so impressed with the resilience of our children to keep on going through the VERY VERY muddy conditions.  Please look at some of the pictures on our Term 4 Highlights section on this newsletter to see the challenge our runners faced. 

This term we were joined by an amazing collection of book characters on World Book Day.  All the children (and adults) looked fantastic in their costume or very cosy in the PJs. Thank you Ms Bazell for organising a fantastic day for the children.

Thank you for everyone that was able to join us to meet your child's teacher for the parent consultations at the end of this term.  These events are a great opportunity to share the progress the children are making and how we can all work together to provide the best opportunities for the children.  If you were unable to make it to this term's consultation, please contact your child's class teacher via Dojo or speak to them the end of the day, so they can give you an update on how the year is going and next steps.

We raised over an amazing £600 for Comic Relief and to support Sierra Leone this year.  Thank you for all of your generous contributions.  We had children taking a lead in this year by running book shops, cake stands, face painting and many other activities to help us raise this amazing total.  A big thank you to the Junior Leadership Team and all the adults who made the day such a success.  

A whole school treat: what a brilliant way to celebrate the end of a fantastic term. Children looked great in their own clothes and they loved the Glow Party.  Staff also put on other exciting activities to celebrate the fantastic effort children have been putting into their learning. 

School is not just about academic learning, it is also about developing the whole children by providing wider opportunities in their school life such as the ones that I have shared above and the many other opportunities that children received at Ore Village.  This is one of the main reasons why I am so proud to work at OVPA.

I hope that you all have a great Easter and I look forward to seeing you all again after the break. 


Mr Paramor