Year 1 & 2 Learning

In Year 1 and 2 we have had a brilliant term filled with lots of fun activities. 

Our topic this term has been ‘Nurturers’ and the children learnt about two significant women in history, Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. They became historians and matched facts, wrote amazing fact files and ordered events in chronological order.  They discussed why it is important to remember both women equally and we have been blown away with how engaged they have been this term. 

This term in Talk 4 Writing, Year 1 have been focusing on character description.   Our model text was 'Goldilocks and the Bear.'  The children became fully immersed in the text.  We then innovated it, focusing on the use of adjectives to describe the character personality and simile.  Our non-fiction was instructions: 'How  to make magic porridge just right.'  We then innovated this to 'How to make chocolate cornflake cakes just right'.

In Year 2 we have learnt the story of ‘Barnabus’ who was a failed project made up of two animals, half elephant and half mouse.  We then innovated the stories and created our own characters.  Our non-fiction unit was an information text.  This week we have written our own information texts about an animal of our choice. 

In maths this term, Year 1 have been exploring numbers to 50.  We have been ordering numbers focusing on the tens.  We then partitioned numbers into tens and ones.  We have been working really hard this term on number formation. 

In Year 2 we finished off learning about time and we consolidated our learning on o'clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to.  We then moved on to fractions and the children worked really hard throughout this unit.  We have now moved onto shape and we will finish this off when we get back. 

In science, in particular during science week, we have looked at plants.  We planted cress and watched it grow throughout the week.  The children were very excited to see it change and grow.