Councillor Visit

Earlier this term, we were visited by Sally-Ann Hart, who is a British politician and has been the member of parliament (MP) for Hastings and Rye since 2019.  Sally-Ann spoke to the Junior Leadership Team about our school, asking what the children enjoy and what they like about being at OVPA.  The children were keen to share their love of learning and how they enjoyed the responsibility of their leadership roles.

The children asked Sally-Ann lots of questions about being an MP, including what she likes and dislikes about the job, what it was like in Parliament and whether she had to wear a uniform.  The children enjoyed learning about the MP role and are now keen to visit the Houses of Parliament themselves after being invited for a visit.    Sally-Ann Hart is a member of the Conservative party.  She spoke about the importance of voting at the age of 18 and making their own choices.

The Junior Leadership Team were wonderful advocates for OVPA and did a sterling job in their meeting with the MP.  It is always a pleasure to welcome visitors in to our school and show off what we do.