Year 3 & 4 Learning

Term 3 has been another full term for Years 3 and 4. 

The children have enjoyed our learning all about the Titanic disaster in our history lessons this term. Children have been exploring the different classes on board the Titanic and how this influenced their survival rate when the boat sank. They used primary and secondary evidence to support their ideas and think critically about if the hierarchy on board was 'fair'.

This term has had great focus on team work. In our jigsaw lessons children were asked to work as a team to design a garden. The children had to work together to decide who the garden was for, what different pieces of outdoor equipment they would order all whilst staying in budget. The children then had to present their garden to the class with capturing posters. After we had finished we discussed the challenges of working in a team and came up with ways to overcome these - the children were incredibly mature in their approach and thought of some brilliant ideas.

Otter class have enjoyed Ukelele this term and have been working hard to perfect different chords. They are practicing hard ready for their performance next term.

Year 4 loved their 'Pearls of the Sea' workshop. The children visited Hastings Contemporary Art Museum, exploring the gallery and creating their own collaborative piece of art. We were then visited in school for some more arty fun! The children this time created their own painting of a sea creature using different skills and techniques practiced in their learning session.

Last of all, we have been working incredibly hard on our Times Table knowledge. We have been battling against each other on Times Table Rockstars, battling out for extra break and lunch time! Keep it up! 

We can't wait for Term 4 and our historical topic 'Vikings'.