Year 1 & 2 Learning

We have had a really busy, but great, term in Year 1 and 2.  In maths Year 1 started off the term looking at  time, focusing on half past and o’clock. We then moved to exploring strategies to 20, such as doubling and the ‘make ten’ strategy.

In Year 2 we started off looking at multiplication and division and have ended the term looking at time. We have used clocks to look at o'clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. 

In our talk for writing sessions, Year 1 looked at the text ‘Vlad’ focusing on suspense. We then moved on to writing our own diary entry using tools such as time connective and past tense. 

Year 2 have looked at the text 'Leon and the Place Between' and our non-fiction unit was based on instruction writing. We have finished the term by reciting the poem 'In my Magic Box' by Kit Wright. 

During our afternoons we have been great historians exploring our topic on the history of flight 'Up, Up and Away'. The children have learnt all about where kites were first invented and how they may have been used. We have looked at the Wright brothers and how they invented the first aeroplane. We have also looked at how planes have changed over time and how they compare to planes today. 

In DT we have designed and made a car ensuring they have used axels and chassis. The children had great fun and were very creative.