Reception Learning

In Reception we started the term learning about Winter, which coincided beautifully with the snow and icy weather.  The children enjoyed planning and carrying out a science experiment with ice in the classroom.  Zanthe said "the warm water melted the ice.  It did it quicker." 

Our topic lessons then went on to explore how toys have changed over time.  The children loved having a visit from Hastings Museum and handling the artefacts that were brought in. " New toys need batteries and electricity" noticed Benjamin.  "Old toys are made of wood and metal" said Arthur.  We learned about a timeline by putting the toys in order from oldest to newest.  The children learned how to tie a knot and used their new skill to make their own 'cup and ball' toy!

In our maths lessons we have been deepening our understanding of numbers to 10 and exploring addition and subtraction.  In our Talk for Writing lessons we have learned the poem 'Zim Zam Zoom', learned the story of 'Jack and the Robbers' and written words and sentences about the animals in the story.  We have also been learning to use the red words, 'the', 'to' and 'I',  in our writing. 

Our PSHE learning this term has been exploring 'Dreams and Goals' and we have been exploring what life skills are important in achieving our dreams and goals.  Teddy says "My goal is to learn my sounds".  "Me try again" says Baileymai. 

We have been learning new songs in our music lessons and exploring finding the pulse and beat in various pieces of music.  We have also introduced a wood work area into the garden and the children have really enjoyed the challenge of hammering nails into wood as well as attaching bottle tops onto wood to make wheels for toy cars.  The children have been trying really hard with their fine motor skills to be able to hold the nail steady while using the hammer.