Term 3 Newsletter

Mrs Campbell's Headteacher Update

It has been a wonderfully creative term full of amazing opportunities for our young people.  At OVPA, we are passionate about the arts and how they can inspire the children to use their interests and talents.  Art, music, dance and P.E are all hugely important in shaping the lives and aspirations of the pupils at our school.  

We are delighted that our Year 6 pupils had the opportunity to be part of the Young Voices Choir where they joined over 8000 children all singing together at The 02 in London.  We took dancers from KS1 and KS2 to The White Rock to celebrate dance across our local primary and secondary schools.  The children were all fabulous on stage in front of a very proud audience. Our Year 4 pupils have started their 'Pearls of the Sea' project where they link with The Contemporary art gallery and work with local artists.  We cannot wait to see their work exhibited in in the gallery in the summer. 

Next Term, some of our Year 4 pupils are singing in Hastings Music Festival and we have a group of Year 5 & 6 pupils attending a piano concerto.  We will look forward to sharing these exciting ventures and asking the children what they thought of the experiences.

Our term culminated in a celebration of the pupils and staff at OVPA, their skills and talents, commitment and drive to be the best they can. Mrs Ferguson and the Wellbeing Ambassadors planned a wonderful week where we promoted healthy minds for our children.  

We say a temporary farewell to our trainee teachers, Miss Carswell and Miss Hannigan who go to their second placement schools and we look forward to them returning after Easter.  We hope they enjoy their time at some different schools.

Time to recharge as we head in to the holiday.  It has been a great term and I am very grateful to have Mr Paramor supporting us in his new role, as Deputy Head, already making a huge difference to our school.

See you on Monday 19 February.

Mr Paramor's Deputy Headteacher Update

Firstly, I would like to say a huge thank you to all of the parents and children for making me so welcome since I joined Ore Village at the beginning of the term. The highlight of my day is always talking with the children and listening to them speak about the fantastic learning that they are doing in class.

It was amazing to see so many parents and carers join us this term for our Open Learning Afternoon. It was a real privilege to see so many of you being able to join us in celebrating the achievements of the children. I know that the children love to have this opportunity to share their books and show off all the skills and knowledge they have developed.

This term, we launched a new 'Online Worry Box' to work alongside our current in class Worry Boxes. Children can use this if they want to share anything that they are worried about or if they are concerned about a friend. Children can access this via the school website which will then inform a member of the safeguarding team who are there to help them.

Well done to our Year 6 children who, in the last week of term, completed their final mock SATs. They all showed brilliant resilience and a positive attitude to do their best. This practice allows the children to experience what the 'real' SATs will be like so that they can see that it is not scary and is just a chance for them to show off the knowledge they have in Reading, Spelling Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) and Maths.

I hope that you all have an amazing half term break and I look forward to seeing all the children and yourselves again soon!