Johnny Baxter Carriage House Foundation Scholarship
Scholarship: Nebraska Community Colleges - Johnny Baxter Carriage House Foundation Scholarship
Description: The Johnny Baxter Carriage House Foundation offers a scholarship program for students interested in attending one of Nebraska’s Community Colleges to study in an automotive-related field.
Scholarship Award: $2,000
Scholarship Requirements:
Application must be planning to enroll in one of the automotive-related courses of study.
Applicant must submit a letter of recommendation from at least one teacher describing the application's aptitude and the student must include a transcript of his/her grades.
Applicant must submit a cover letter to be attached to the application form indicating his/her interest in the automotive field and their plan for technical training.
An interview and reference letter from a New Car Dealer would be given additional consideration.
Application Deadline: April 4th
Website to Apply: See Miss Skallberg for a scholarship application.