Church Work Scholarships
Scholarship: Concordia University- Church Work Scholarships
Description: At Concordia Nebraska, we’re dedicated to equipping church workers who will serve The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS) and other Christian denominations through five ordained and commissioned ministries. We seek to prepare you with the knowledge and skills you’ll need to pursue your vocation and lead in God’s church. The following are church work scholarships:
Church Work Guarantee
As the CUS leader in preparing students for Lutheran church work vocations, we’re committed to providing you with a meaningful and affordable Christ-centered, Lutheran education. For students enrolling in a church work program at Concordia, Nebraska, we offer the Church Work Guarantee of $110,000 over four years. This guarantee will ensure all church work students will receive a minimum of $27,500/year in institutional scholarships and grants!
LCMS Church Work Scholarship - $2,500/yr
Awarded to LCMS students enrolled in one of Concordia's church work programs. This award is designed to assist those seeking professional church work positions within the LCMS. Renewed annually with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. Financial need is not required.
Koch Scholarship - $1,500/yr
Requires admittance into the pre-seminary program.
Marflow Endowment - amount varies
Requires admittance into the pre-seminary program. Available for juniors or seniors.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Thom Endowment - amount varies
Requires admittance into the pre-seminary program. Available for juniors or seniors.
The Class of 1933 Endowment
Preference will be given to students in Lutheran teaching via education and service to the church. In order to be considered for this award, the student must be an art education major and pursue an LCMS degree certificate. Available for current art majors.
Application Deadline: N/A
Website to Apply: