2023 Marathon Fun Run

Our ākonga ran the final laps and kilometres of their marathon or half marathon on Friday 27/10, through a course of challenges and obstacles. 

Thank you to our sponsors, staff and whānau who organised and ran the day, and those of you who were able to come along to support. Thank you to the Rotary Club of Maungakiekie for their team of BBQ experts. All ākonga got a free sausage.

The ‘marathon’ part of this concept meant that all of our ākonga were out running and walking regularly over two terms to achieve the distance needed to complete a marathon.

We are really pleased with the amount of money raised to go towards our ‘OPS Shed’ for sports and outdoor equipment. At this stage we have raised just over $26,000.00 Thank you everyone who was able to give to this cause.

You can see from the pictures shared in our Week 4 newsletter just how much fun our ākonga had.

We have linked a shirt video here made by one of our whānau Maryanne M.

You can watch from this link

Thank you to all our sponsors including the Rotary Club of Maungakiekie who supported our school by cooking the sausage sizzle for the Marathon Fun Run.

Fun Run info for whānau 2023

Marathon Fun Run Information 2023

If you have any questions, please email pleulusoo@onehungaprimary.school.nz 

26/10 Newsletter Update

Our Fun Run is tomorrow. 

The weather forecast is for showers but we plan to go ahead. Children will get wet as part of the course anyway.

We would only postpone if there was very heavy rain. Postponement would be shared by 7.30am Friday via email, on Facebook and our website. 

Each group is running for around 30 minutes. We have split some groups for safety. Running times can be found on the slides linked to our website. Please note while we will aim to keep to these times, they are approximate.

Please send your child with …

If you are taking your child home after their run and before 3pm, please let your child’s teacher know AND sign them out at the office.

All Fun Run information (including running times for each year group) can be found on the slides linked to our website.

If you are able to help with the course when you come tomorrow please see Paul Leuluso’o.

All children will get a free sausage and there will be sausages on sale for whānau who join us for $2.00 each. We are also selling:

Can you help at a food stall tomorrow? Please sign up here sign up sheet 

Please keep sharing our Givealittle Pages - We can do it!

These pages will stay open until Thursday 2  November. 

We will draw and announce prizes next Friday 3 November.

Marathon Fun Run 2023 Background

All Learning Communities have been working towards achieving their Marathon in Term 3 and this term. With some who have reached 42km or 21km, and others who will complete their Marathon as part of the Fun Run day. See each Learning Community’s progress so far on our website. You can also find the Fun Run information - Includes prizes, running times for each Learning Community and more. 

So far we have raised nearly $23,000.00 Thank you! Our goal is to raise $40,000 for our multi-purpose double garage to store P.E and Loose Parts Play equipment. And if we reach $40,000, we will be dunking our Principal, Mrs Holley with SLIME! And some of our OPS staff members.

Massive thank you to Rachael Bateman for your help in the background with our prizes. Thank you to the Denton and Ludman whānau for prize donations. A big thank you to our sponsors - We appreciate your support. 

All Marathon Fun Run information can be found on our 2023 Marathon Fun Run page of our OPS website.

We wanted to build on the fun and success of our previous OPS Fun Runs again this year. This event has always been very popular with our ākonga and whānau, and it is also a really simple and effective way to raise funds for our school.

This year we are taking the concept of running a Marathon and making it achievable for all of our ākonga. Ākonga will run the 42 kms (or 21 km half marathon for our Year 1 & 2s) over Term 3 - a little bit each week. We think this is really achievable for all of our ākonga. They can walk, skip or run and it gives them a focus for regular physical activity. We are looking forward to seeing the creative ways our learning communities track and record their progress.

We will still have the final event similar to the very popular Fun Run, when all of our ākonga do the final kilometres of their Marathon. 

You can find out more in the slides we used to launch this idea with our ākonga at the end of Term 2 below.

How do I Sponsor a child / donate?

You can sponsor students by donating to complete a half or full marathon over the term.

Follow the donation instructions using the ‘Givealittle Page.’ Cash can be given using the

sponsorship form. However, we would much prefer you use the Givealittle pages that have been set up. This way, no cash needs to be exchanged, and we can track which class and students are involved, getting lots of sponsors and raising the most money.

Using the Givealittle Page

You could share the link below or the donation instructions with whānau living abroad.

Donation instructions:

You can either use a credit card or internet banking.

1. Google ‘Givealittle’ and then search Onehunga Primary School or type/click on the following link, https://givealittle.co.nz/l/onehunga-primary-fun-run-2023

2. Click on Onehunga Primary School Fun Run 2023

3. Click on Whānau Class

4. Click donate

5. Find your child’s name - Please fill this out so we can track each student’s donation.

6. Proceed to payment.

Or click on the link 

Live Updates - Marathon Running Progress

2023 Marathon Progress
2023 Launch of the Marathon _ FUN RUN .pdf

We launched our 2023 Marathon and Fun Run at the end of Term 2 with our OPS ākonga.

You can see the slides here or use the link on the left.

Why Are We doing This?

and……we can use this as a way to raise fund for a very exciting project we would like to have for our school.

Prizes and Sponsorship

There will be lots of prizes for participation, showing We CARE and spot prizes along with some prizes for sponsorship through the Give-A-Little pages which we are in the process of setting up. If you can help with sponsoring prizes, please contact Paul Leuluso’o - pleulusoo@onehungaprimary.school.nz

There will be prizes for...

Money raised by this event will go towards getting an ‘OPS Shed’... 

This will be like a double garage with one part for Health and Physical Education equipment and the other part of Outdoor learning / Loose Parts play and construction equipment.

Our current PE shed is very old, dark and hard to access. Children and staff can not easily get to the equipment they need for learning and break times. This makes them less likely to use it.  

We want a space where equipment is stored in a way which makes it easy to get to and use and which looks after it so it lasts longer. We also need a space for quick repairs and maintenance of equipment - like blowing up balls. 

We would also like to develop opportunities for ‘loose parts play’ and construction equipment. We know our ākonga love building huts and being creative with what they find around our school. Having a space where we can store equipment makes it easy to get to and keeps everything and everyone safe when it is not being used. We are also very keen to develop a space where children can build and make things as part of their learning. 

We would locate it at the end of the Room 20/21 deck space which would make it easy to get to from our field and easy for monitors to set up and pack up after break times and class PE sessions.

We will share more information early in Term 3 about this event and how the fundraising will work.