Growing Leaders

Thursday 4 April, 2024

At Onehunga Primary School, we are proud to see so many of our children taking on leadership roles within the school. For example, we have seen Enviro Reps planning and promoting enviro challenges and reporting back to the whole school. We see captains of sports teams encouraging and leading their team members. We hear children on the intercom teaching us to speak in their first languages. We see children sharing their cultural dances and songs on stage. We cross the busy roads safely due to our road patrollers guiding us across the road. We also notice the quiet leaders - the children who support others to make the right choices and empower others to be the best they can.

We know that leaders exist in all aspects of our lives, and can lead in many different ways. There are the obvious leaders who we all recognise, and we believe leaders also exist in schools, whānau, neighbourhoods and community groups. 

We see enormous potential in all of our students and want to create another opportunity for our children to further grow into leaders.  This initiative recognises self-motivation, a “can-do” attitude, and students seeing themselves as leaders. All Year 4, 5 and 6 students are invited to participate in this programme. This opportunity, while linked to aspects of the New Zealand Curriculum Key Competencies, is in no way compulsory. It is entirely optional to those who wish to take part.

In 2016, we launched and ran a leadership programme for any Year 4, 5 and 6 students who wanted to be involved. We are excited to offer this again in 2024

Thursday 6 June - Newsletter

Mrs Farley met with Growing Leaders on Tuesday to check in with their progress, and see if anyone was needing support. 

The meeting was announced over the intercom just before lunchtime in an effort to get everyone along.

Our Gold Growing Leaders who are available with Mrs Farley to support every 

Tuesday lunchtime, were also re-introduced.

Over the last few weeks Mrs Farley has done her final individual check in with all ākonga who originally indicated they wanted to take part. Some are continuing and some have decided not to. It’s not a problem to decide not to go ahead, just let Mrs Farley or Mrs Holley know.

Part of this optional programme involves ākonga taking responsibility for asking for support, completing the activities and going along on a Tuesday lunchtime if they need help.

Friday 18 October (Week 1) Term 4, 2024. All Growing Leaders work and projects must be completed and submitted.

2024 Dates

Mrs Farley and some of our Gold Growing Leaders are available EVERY Tuesday in the Piwakawaka Learning Community for support.

Thursday 4  April (Week 10, Term 1): all Year 4, 5 and 6 students will hear about Growing Leaders and receive the first information notice with an expression of interest form to have signed by an adult whānau member.

Thursday 11 April (Week 11, Term 1): the signed expression of interest form is due to be completed online or returned to the office. Meeting at lunchtime in Piwakawaka Learning community for children who have returned the expression of interest form. At this meeting, they will receive the Leadership Self Reflection booklet.

Friday 17 May (Week 3 Term 2): the last day children can join Growing Leaders in 2024 by returning a signed expression of interest form.

Friday 18 October (Week 1) Term 4, 2024. All Growing Leaders work and projects must be completed and submitted.

What does it mean to be involved in ‘Growing Leaders @ OPS’?

Children will work towards the ‘bronze leadership level’ in their first year, the ‘silver leadership level’ in their second year and the ‘gold leadership level’ in their third year. However, children may choose to just go for one or two awards in their time at Onehunga Primary School. In the first year, the students would all be aiming to achieve the bronze award. 

To achieve the ‘bronze leadership level’ children would complete the following:

The silver and gold leadership levels build on from the bronze level and must be completed in order.  

Participants will start their leadership project in Term 2 and will need to have completed their project by Friday 18 October (Week 1) Term 4, 2024. (We know that some of our students who are completing a second or third year of Growing Leaders may have already started working towards their 2024 tasks.)

While there have been fantastic examples of community service over the last few years which children enjoy, it’s important to be aware that to achieve any of the leadership levels, there are also written requirements which focus on self reflection and leadership which must also be completed, alongside the community service acts. 

We anticipate that not every child who starts this initiative will complete it, and stress that it is entirely optional.

This programme includes support at school for students who get involved from staff, and from peers who have already completed parts of the programme. There will be some meetings they must attend and others that are optional. As with every year, Mrs Farley will be available to support children who feel they need it on Tuesday lunchtimes.

Children who complete the requirements will be recognised in a variety of ways including at the Awards Assembly in Term 4.

While support will be given to help participants understand what they will need to do, it will be up to individual students to actually complete the requirements of achieving the bronze, silver and gold  leadership level. 

Growing Leaders Letter - Thursday 4 April, 2024 letter #1 Please complete the online form linked here  for expressions of interest

Self Reflection - Please complete this ready to share by Friday 17 May (Week 3 Term 2)- the last day children can join Growing Leaders in 2024.

We understand this will not be an easy process for our students and encourage them to spend time with an adult who knows them well deciding on their self ranking. 

You can go to the self reflection form here

Movies and Support Materials for 2024

These movie are to help you develop your definition of 'What is a leader?'

Some of these movies could be part o your research for Silver and Gold

If you have any to share or suggest, please email them to Mrs Holley