OKE Productive Garden Area

We are always on the lookout for ways we can enhance learning and opportunities for our ākonga. Term 1 2024 we were very excited to have the productive garden area between our new building and the top playground being developed by an organisation called OKE. A big thank you to Monika (one of our Learning Assistants) who found this opportunity and who will be a big part of making sure we fully utilise this area. There are so many opportunities for learning which we can get from this area!

If you or someone in your whānau is interested in getting involved please let our office know. (636 6256, office@onehungaprimary.school.nz, or come in and see us)

We are especially interested in anyone who can help us learn about Maramataka and planting by the moon or traditional Māori crops.

We went from this...

To this!

To this!

Many of you will have already seen the new raised gardens, garden shed and tunnel house in our productive garden area. The installation of these and the planting of a number of fruit trees was made possible by ‘OKE’. Oke brings together sponsorship for materials and volunteer workers from local and national businesses and organisations. All we had to do was make lunch for them. You can see a picture of sandwich making below.

We had a small group or OPS ākonga, volunteers and the Oke team installing everything.

We are looking forward to involving a lot more of our ākonga and have big plans for using this area to grow fruit and veges to cook in our Cook and Create spaces.

A huge thank you to…

If you or an organisation you are involved with are interested in sponsoring Oke - you can find out how on their website.

Use the arrows on the left and right to click through the photos

11 June 2024