2023 Highlights, Celebrations and Next Steps

This document supports the Highlights and Celebrations 2023 page with the colorful images and information on it, providing more details. These are just some of our celebrations for the 2023 year. Like all schools we continually look for ways we can improve. Staff spend time looking at student achievement data, analysing what is working well and what areas need future  focus. All teachers have specific target groups in their learning communities.

This document also links to some of our next steps in areas identified for improvement.

We celebrate our many ethnicities at OPS - we currently have over 40. We acknowledge that within each of the Ministry of Education identified ethnicity groups, there are many unique groups of ākonga.

Using the Ministry of Education Ethnicities, this is the breakdown of our school.

2023 Whole School Achievement and Progress Data 

We share with whānau during the year information about their individual child’s learning.

The information below refers to the whole school or groups within our school.

‘Within the expected level’ refers to the New Zealand Curriculum level each ākonga should be learning and achieving at.

The 2023 achievement data was based on 463 ākonga - this includes ākonga with additional needs and English Language Learners.

Expected and Accelerated progress

Our focus is ākonga making the expected progress of one year’s learning and progress each calendar year.


When ākonga are learning below their expected level we aim for them to make accelerated progress - more than a year’s learning / progress in a calendar year.

Literacy Celebration

 -  In the year 2023, over 90% of our Year 0-2 ākonga made exciting progress in Reading. Our Year 0-2 teachers were involved in BSLA (Better Start Literacy Approach) training for the full year. BSLA approach teaches critical phonological awareness and letter sound knowledge skills through fun activities and games. The approach teaches vocabulary and improves oral narrative and listening comprehension skills using quality children's storybooks.

2023 Achievement and Progress Data Based on Ethnicity 

This data shows that there are differences in achievement between ethnic groups. Part of our planning within our 2024 - 2025 Strategic Plans aims to address this - see more below.

Next steps - 2024 - 2025 Strategic Planning

The data clearly shows us that an area of focus needs to be strategies to support our Māori and Pacific ākonga. 

We note through analysis of student achievement data that the ‘Structured Literacy’ approach to Literacy we are using, has made a positive difference for ākonga of all ethnicities.

This is a major focus as part of our 2024-2025 Strategic Plan.

Our Onehunga Primary School Strategic Plan 2024 - 2025 reflects groups of ākonga within our school who are not yet making the progress they should be. There is a specific focus on Māori and Pacific ākonga’s learning. 

You can see in our Strategic Plan focuses on:

Each year we develop an ‘Annual Implementation Plan’ which sets out how we are going to achieve the goals in our Strategic Plan. It’s a working document which a number of staff add to over a year. You can see updates of our 2024 Annual Implementation Plan progress once a term on the Board of Trustees section of our OPS Website.

2023 Highlights and Celebrations

These are just some of the highlights and celebrations from the 2023 school year at Onehunga Primary School.

New Building Completion

New Building Completion

Literacy Development

OPS Staff Professional Learning

EPIC environment

Developed research based OPS principles to support an Emotional, Physical and Intellectually Challenging Environment.  We will continue to develop our EPIC environment.

Localising our Curriculum (Learning that cannot be left to chance)


Arts & Cultural Festival

Language Celebrations Weeks - Multiple weeks!

Introduction of Little Kiwis transition to school programme

Sport and PE

Whānau Engagement and Support

Fundraising towards Sport and PE Shed and school resources

Kahui Ako Engagement - Te Iti Kahuirangi (Cluster of 10 school work working together)

Enviro Education - Sustainability


Friends of the school - (Fots)